Human Resources

Bereavement leave


All regular (non temporary) staff who work at least half time (.5 FTE) are eligible.

Using bereavement leave

You may take up to three days of paid bereavement leave in the event of the death of a family member or other person with whom you had a close, personal relationship akin to a family relationship. Bereavement leave must be completed within 60 days of the date on which you receive notice of the death. 

Only HR may approve bereavement leave, and you must contact HR for approval prior to taking this time off. The first three days of bereavement leave are paid time off and you will not be required to use sick or vacation time. You may be required to provide evidence to support your request to take off time for bereavement.

Who qualifies as my family member?

  • spouse or domestic partner (of any gender)
  • sibling
  • parent or grandparent (biological, adoptive, step, foster, in loco parentis*, or in law)
  • child or grandchild (biological, adoptive, step, foster, or in loco parentis)
  • any person living in your household
  • any other relation, kin, or family member
  • any person with whom you have a close, personal relationship that is substantially similar to a family relationship

Extended bereavement leave

If you need more than three days of bereavement leave, you may request up to two weeks off under Oregon Family Leave. Contact HR and HR will determine if you qualify for extended leave using sick time (after the initial first three days of paid leave). To apply for extended bereavement leave, submit a leave of absence request form

Who qualifies as my family member for extended bereavement leave?

Extended bereavement leave is designated under Oregon Family Leave (OFL).  OFL considers the following as family members:

  • spouse
  • parent (biological, adoptive, step, foster, or in loco parentis*)
  • child (biological, adoptive, step, foster, or in loco parentis)
  • parent-in-law
  • grandparent
  • grandchild
  • domestic partner (of any gender)
  • parent or child of domestic partner

*In loco parentis is defined as those with day-to-day responsibilities to care for and financially support a child.

Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) information