Athletics, Fitness & Outdoor Programs

Meditation for Everyday Life


Meditation practices support us in feeling more present and relaxed by harmonizing body and mind. In turn, this helps us recognize and work with patterns of stress and overwhelm, as well as physical and emotional challenges. Using an approach of gentleness and strength we’ll explore various techniques that relate with the breath, thoughts, and sense perceptions.  We’ll engage with sitting, walking, standing and supine postures.  This class includes some outdoor practice sessions, allowing us to tap into the beauty and calm of nature areas around campus. We’ll discuss and reflect on how these mindfulness practices blend into one’s daily life.

NOTE: No special equipment needed and can be done in any  private space where you can be uninterrupted, and able to sit with lying down an option.

 Tuesday/Thursday 6:40-7:30pm Remote

Please take note: Students are only allowed to receive a maximum COMBINED of two (2) of the nondirected/guided PE classes. These include Off-Campus PE, Meditation, Swim Fitness, Independent Climb, Community Engagement, and Running Club/Running Outdoors. Once a student earns 2 credits in any of these classes any additional classes in this category will not be counted towards their six (6) total required for graduation. 

After earning two (2) nondirected/guided PE credits students are welcome to continue to take any of these classes as they prefer but will not earn additional credit.--