Sexual Health, Advocacy & Relationship Education

Contact Us

SHARE Program Director

The SHARE Program Director provides confidential adocacy services to survivors and their allies. They work with other programs on and off campus to make sure that survivors of all forms of sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence receive support and information. They coordinate campus-wide prevention efforts and response training for staff, faculty, and students, and supervises SHARE student staff. 

L. Mattson
Gray Campus Center 103

SHARE Advocates

SHARE Advocates provide confidential adocacy services to survivors and their allies. Advocates are available to meet on campus, through Zoom, or by phone. They can also be reached by email:

Community Safety

503-788-6666 (ext 6666) or 911

Gary Granger, Director
28 West

Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator can answer questions regarding the process for reporting, investigating, and adjudicating complaints of gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, or other potential Title IX or DHSM violations. The Coordinator is not a confidential resource. For more information, please see the Title IX webpage

Christopher Toutain
Eliot Hall 108A

Students may also file complaints with the Sexual Misconduct Board.

Employees and visitors may also file complaints with Human Resources.

Faculty may also file a complaint with the Dean of Faculty.

United States Department of Education

Individuals with Title IX complaints have the right to file a formal complaint with the United States Department of Education.

United States Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
Customer Service Hotline: 800-421-3481
TTD: 877-521-2172