Student Life Office

Student Life Communications

Friday, January 15, 2021

Dear students,

I write to you five days away from the US Presidential Inauguration. We know the repercussions of the horrific insurrection in Washington, DC last week, and reports of potential uprisings being planned are causing stress and concern. The team in student life takes this opportunity to say that we understand and are here for you.

We hope you find the resources and reminders helpful in this Coping with Sociopolitical Stress flyer the Reed Care Team and the HCC has put together. If you are on campus, look for these flyers posted. Let these flyers serve as a reminder that we are a community that cares about one another and there are resources available to help us all manage through difficult times.

One of the self-care strategies in this flyer says to “surround yourself with trusted people,” and in reflecting on this, I couldn’t be more thankful to be surrounded by the trusting Reed community. Thank you for caring about each other and the greater good.

With deep respect and care,

Dr. K

Karnell McConnell-Black, Ed.D. (he/him/his)
Vice President for Student Life