Biology Department

A Successful Year in Biology

Posted August 16, 2018

The faculty and students in Biology have been busy researching this year and they have been rewarded with grants, press, and publications!

Recent Grants

Cerveny Lab’s NIH grant was renewed entitled
“From susceptibility to signals: How cues from the retinal microenvironment influence stem and progenitor cell behavior”

Coate Lab: awarded a cloud computing allocation from XSEDE valued at $126,076.61 to use for a new Biology bioinformatics course this fall.

Renn Lab: Awarded NIH-15 grant for $419,497 entitled

"Mouth-brooding: a teleost adaptation as a tractable model of metabolic disorder" 

NSF supplement "Research Assistantships for High School Students supplement to the active NIS-IOS grant for $5600 entitled
“RUI: Collaborative Research: Maternal Transitions in a Mouth-Brooding Cichlid.”

This has brought a Madison High School senior to the lab to assist in robotics and programming.

Ritz Lab: Awarded a NSF CAREER  award of $938,147"CAREER: Network-Based Signaling Pathway Analysis: Methods and Tools for Turning Theory into Practice"

Zornik Lab: Awarded an NSF grant of $670,000.00 entitled “RUI: Identifying the Neural Mechanisms of Vocal Evolution”

Recent Press

Local news station KGW covered the thesis work of recent graduate Morgan Vauge:
Reed student breeds plastic-eating bacteria

The brain waves that make frogs pitch perfect
Nature, 2018

Vocal neurons encode evolution of frog calls
EurkAlerts, 2018

Recent Publications

“Ploidy and size at multiple scales in the Arabidopsis sepal.”
Dana O. Robinson, Jeremy E. Coate, Abhyudai Singh, Lilan Hong, Max Bush, Jeff Doyle, Adrienne H.K. Roeder.
Plant Cell, 2018, (in press)

“Polyploidy, the nucleotype, and novelty: The impact of genome doubling on the biology of the cell.”
Jeff J. Doyle, Jeremy E. Coate
International Journal of Plant Sciences, 2019, (in press)

Essentiality of Nickel for Plants
Dalton, D.A.
In: Nickel in Soils and Plants, Ed. C. Tsadilas, CRC Press. 2018. 

Ascorbate metabolism and biological nitrogen fixation.
Matamoros, M.A., Dalton, D. A. and Becana, M.
In: Ascorbic Acid in Plant Growth, Development and Stress Tolerance. 
Springer. 2018.

Environment Controls LEE Regulation in Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli.
Platenkamp A and Mellies JL
(2018) Front. Microbiol. 9:1694. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01694 

Gene Expression Signatures of Mating System Evolution.
Renn, SCP, Machado, HE, Duftner, N, Sessa*, AK, Harris, RM, Hofmann, HA
GENOME, (2018)

A Cell-based Assay to Investigate Non-muscle Myosin II Contractility via the Folded-gastrulation Signaling Pathway in Drosophila S2R+ Cells
Kimberly A. Peters, Elizabeth Detmar, Liz Sepulveda, Corrina Del Valle, Ruth Valsquier, Anna Ritz, Stephen L. Rogers, and Derek A. Applewhite
JOVE, 2018, (in press) 

“Network-Based Prediction of Polygenic Disease Genes Involved in Cell Motility”
Miriam Bern, Alexander King, Derek A. Applewhite, and Anna Ritz.
To be presented at the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Network Biology: Modeling, Analysis, and Control (CNB-MAC 2018) in Washington, D.C.  

"Premotor Neuron Divergence Reflects Vocal Evolution"
Barkan CL, Kelley DB, and Zornik E.
J Neurosci. 2018 Jun 6;38(23):5325-5337

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