International Programs Office

Application for Reed in Rome

Along with this application, please provide:

  1. Most recent transcript (Students can download an unofficial transcript in PDF format from IRIS. Go to 'Student Information', then click the 'Documents' tab. Find the most recent document titled "Unofficial Reed Transcript" and click 'Download'. You can upload the transcript to this application in the 'Documentation' section below.
  2. Copy of the photo page of your passport

* Required field

Student Personal Information

Student Contact Information

Include street address, apt/unit if applicable, city, state/province, country and zip code.

Applicant’s emergency contact
Parent, guardian, or other person able to make legal and medical decisions on the student’s behalf.

Self Description

Please describe previous travel experience outside the US, if any.

Please tell us why you are interested in the Reed in Rome program, and what you hope to gain from the experience.

If accepted, you will be living in close quarters and studying intensely with other Reed students nearly 24 hours a day for 10 days. Please address how you might handle the challenges of such a situation. If possible, cite a specific example of how you handled an intense social environment in the past.


Please provide your most recent transcript (see instructions above), and a copy of the photo page of your passport. All provided documentation will be handled securely and access limited as per the Reed College Data Privacy Policy.

Maximum file size is 10mb; .pdf, .doc, .docx, .png, or .jpg only.

Assumption of Risk, Release from Liability, and Indemnification Agreement

Please read the Reed-Sponsored Study Abroad Programs Assumption of Risk, Release from Liability, and Indemnification Agreement and indicate below that you agree to the terms.

By submitting this form, I confirm that the above information is true and correct.