Office for Institutional Diversity

Dear Reed Community,  

Ramadan begins on the evening of Wednesday, March 22nd, and ends on the evening of Friday, April 21st. 

For our Muslim students, Ramadan is a time of self-reflection and a renewed engagement with Islam. Many students who observe Ramadan observe a fast from sunrise to sunset, with the days getting longer as spring progresses. 

As a result of fasting, students may have decreased levels of in-class participation, ask to be excused from class at sundown to observe evening prayers or break the fast. In addition, they may ask for rescheduling of exams or assignments. We recognize that every class and its pedagogical structure differs, and some classes adapt more quickly to these requests than others.  

We would like to highlight that the Reed Community Pantry and Bon Appetit are offering meals for iftar and suhoor to support fasting members of our community. Bon Appetit will also work with individuals to provide specific dietary needs. If you have any questions, please contact Jesse Fairman (

Lastly, we also ask that those planning extracurricular activities are thoughtful about their timing and offerings during Ramadan. Please be on the lookout for community events in observance of Eid & Ramadan from the International Student Services. If you have any questions, please email

As a community, we ask for your continued support for our community members who are observing Ramadan. Please find additional resources below:

Bon Appétit Services during Ramadan

Reed Community Pantry Additions during Ramadan

Locals Guide to Ramadan

Way to Accommodate Ramadan in Colleges

In community,

Phyllis Esposito
Vice-President and Dean for Institutional Diversity

On behalf of the Office for Institutional Diversity
and the Student Life Office