Fragments of Ara Pacis Augustae

Reconstruction, incorporating original fragments,
of a section of vegetal frieze and pilaster

Of the hundreds of small carved fragments uncovered when excavating the Ara Pacis, scholars have gradually sorted out and catalogued over 300 pieces judged to be part of the Ara Pacis itself. Some 125 of these are thought to be parts of the vegetal friezes on the surrounding precinct walls. It has been possible to identify the original location of about half of these. A reconstruction of a section of the south vegetal frieze and of a pilaster, at full scale, incorporating a few of these, has been created and is on display in the lower level of the Museo dell’Ara Pacis.

On display in the lower level of the Museo dell'Ara Pacis. A clear, detailed account of the excavation and scholalry study and reconstruction of fragments from the Ara Pacis is provided in the museum's impressive guidebook by Orietta Rossini, Ara Pacis, Comune di Roma (2006) pp. 93-99.