Music Department

At Reed College, we believe that music enriches the life of the mind, body and soul. We seek to build an inclusive learning community in which students may explore their musical interests, gain knowledge, improve skills, and express themselves.

Whether students are continuing their musical journey or just beginning, the Music Department offers a variety of opportunities for engagement through scholarship, performance, composition, and collaboration. We believe that all music is valuable/every voice counts and our diverse curriculum prepares music majors and minors for a variety of careers after graduation.



MUS101 Private Instruction 

Registration for private instruction is now open! After registering for MUS101 (F or FNC), fill out a music schedule form.  Students taking MUS101F (for credit only) are eligible for Financial Assistance. More information and application instructions for Music Lesson Assistance Grants can be found HERE.  

Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria for a Music Lesson Assistance Grant may be eligible to receive alternate financial assistance through the Music Department.

Students will be placed with an instructor based on availability and will be contacted by Director Monica Ohuchi by the first week of classes.

MUS104 Orchestra auditions

Auditions for MUS104 (Orchestra) will take place on the first Tuesday of classes (September 3) between 6:00-7:30pm. NEW ORCHESTRA MEMBERS will need to prepare an audition of excerpts, three octave Major and Minor (natural, harmonic, melodic) scales, and a piece of your choice (exemplary of your playing).  Registration must be completed for MUS104 PRIOR to auditioning.  

NEW orchestra members, fill out this form.

Auditions are required for any new orchestra members. Excerpts are available HERE. Review audition excerpts guide HERE for instructions. 

Any questions should be directed to Monica Ohuchi (

MUS108 Jazz auditions

MUS108 Jazz auditions

Auditions for MUS108 (FCR or NCR) will take place the first Monday of classes (September 9) from 5:10-7:00pm in PAB 320. AUDITION MATERIALS (and instructions) ARE HERE.

All new and returning Jazz students are required to fill out THIS INFORMATION FORM no later than Sept. 9 at 12noon.
Questions about auditions or the Jazz ensemble should be directed to Monica Ohuchi (

Concerto Competition

This Concerto Competition is open to Reed musicians for an opportunity to solo with the Reed Orchestra for the Spring Orchestra Concert, 2025. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.  Any students who wish to audition for the Concerto Competition must be enrolled in Orchestra MUS104 for both fall and spring semesters. Exceptions will be considered, please contact Monica Ohuchi for any questions.

Students should audition on a piece that is suitable for performance with the Reed Orchestra; the full orchestral score and parts must be available by rental or publisher, and will be subject to final approval of Director Monica Ohuchi and Conductor Giancarlo Castro D'Addona.  Single movements or single movement concertos are eligible; 10-15 min as an average and appropriate length. 

Intent to apply: Contact Monica Ohuchi ( to submit your intent to apply, including repertoire choice and a letter of recommendation from a current music instructor no later than Monday, November 4, 2024.

Practice Suite

Students must be registered for an ensemble, lessons, or a music class to receive access to the Practice Suite.  Prior to receiving access, students must complete a FALL Practice Agreement. Any violations to the practice agreement will result in swipe access removal. For more information, contact Monica Ohuchi (