Pluralistic Ignorance


Below are questions pertaining to Reed students' feelings about privilege and comfort. 

How privileged do you consider yourself to be?

Year: 2017
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 9 (extremely)


Actual norm = 6.53 (SD = 1.54)
Perceived norm = 7.07 (SD = 1.17)
p < 0.003, significant

Participants report being significantly less privileged than the average Reed student.

Do you identify with a different gender than what was assigned to you at birth?

Year: 2017
Scale: % of sample who identified with a different gender than assigned at birth.

% of sample = 28.5%
Perceived norm = 22.03% 
p = 0.0001, significant

Do you identify as heterosexual?

Year: 2017
Scale: % of sample who identify as heterosexual

% of sample = 34.1% 
Perceived norm = 50.83%
p = 0.0001, significant

How aware are you of your race on campus? (off campus?)

Year: 2017
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 9 (extremely)

On campus:
Actual norm = 6.87 (SD = 2.00)
Perceived norm = 5.83 (SD = 1.94)
p < 0.0001, significant

Participants report being significantly more aware of their race while on campus than the average Reed student.

Off campus:
Actual norm = 5.99 (SD = 2.11)
Perceived norm = 4.98 (SD = 1.98)
p < 0.0001, significant

Participants report being significantly more aware of their race while off campus than the average Reed student.

Do you receive financial aid?

Year: 2017
Scale: % of the sample who are on financial aid


% of sample = 66.7%
Perceived norm = 52.20%
p < 0.0001, significant