Syllabus - Spring 2025
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Coming Up
Week 4
Mon 17 Feb
- Information
- Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, “Reply to Sor Filotea,” in Poems, Protest, and a Dream, 1-75.
- Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Redondilla 92 (“A Philosophical Satire”); Decimas 130 and 132; Sonnet 161, in Poems, Protest, and a Dream, 148-51, 165, 179.
Lecture: "On Knowledge and Epistemic Injustice in Sor Juana's Reply"
Ann Delehanty/Meg Scharle
Wed 19 Feb
- Information
- Magali M. Carrera, “Locating Race in Late Colonial Mexico,” Art Journal 57.3 (1998): 36-45.
- Gallery: casta paintings.
Lecture: "Fantasies of Control: Casta Paintings and the Racial Order of New Spain"
Jenny Sakai
- Lecture recording
- Lecture slides
- Lecture handout Word PDF
Fri 21 Feb
Note: The lecturer recommends watching the lecture before beginning the reading.
- Information
- Selections from The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics, ed. Gilbert M. Joseph and Timothy J. Henderson (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2002):
- José Maria Morelos, “Sentiments of the Nation” (1813), 189-191.
- Agustín de Iturbide, “Plan of Iguala” (1821), 192-195.
- Editors of El Tiempo, “A Conservative Profession of Faith” (1846), 220-225.
- Mariano Otero, “Considerations Relating to the Political and Social Situation of the Mexican Republic in the Year 1847” (1847), 226-238.
- Gallery: Diego Rivera, National Palace mural (c. 1929-1935).
Lecture: “Turning Points: Mexico in the Nineteenth Century.”
Margot Minardi
Week 5
Mon 24 Feb
In-Person lecture: 9:00-9:50am in Vollum Lecture Hall
- Information
- Gallery: Diego Rivera, National Palace mural (c. 1929-1935).
- Branch, H.N., trans., The Mexican Constitution of 1917 compared with the Mexican Constitution of 1857 (American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1917), 1-3, 15-32, 94-113.
- “The Plan de Ayala” (1911), in John Womack, Zapata and the Mexican Revolution (New York: Vintage Books, 1970), 400-404.
- Zapata and Villa in Mexico City, 1914, 120 seconds (video).
Lecture: “Modernity and the Mexican Revolution.”
David Garrett
Wed 26 Feb
- Information
- Gallery: Mexican Muralism
- “Manifesto of the Syndicate of Technical Workers, Painters and Sculptors” (1923-1924), in Mexican Muralism: A Critical History, ed. Alejandra Anreus, Leonard Folgarait, and Robin Adèle Greeley (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012), 319-321.
Lecture: “State-Sponsored Art.”
Nigel Nicholson
Fri 28 Feb
- Information
- Los Olvidados (The Young and the Damned), directed by Luis Buñuel (1950).
- Cesare Zavattini, “Some Ideas on the Cinema,” Sight and Sound 23.2 (1953): 64-69.
- Luis Buñuel, “Cinema as an Instrument of Poetry,” in An Unspeakable Betrayal: Selected Writings of Luis Buñuel, trans. Garrett White (Oakland: University of California Press, 1995), 136-141.
Lecture: "Los Olvidados: Space, Violence, Dream"
Marat Grinberg
- Lecture recording
- Lecture slides
- Lecture handout Word PDF
Full Schedule
Week 1
Mon 27 Jan
In-Person lecture: 9:00-9:50am in Vollum Lecture Hall
- Information
- Camilla Townsend, “Introduction,” and “A Note on Terminology, Translation, and Pronunciation,” in The Fifth Sun; A New History of the Aztecs (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 1-12, xi-xii.
- Selections from The Universal History of the Things of New Spain [La historia general de las cosas de Nueva España], Book 8 = Bernadino de Sahagún, Florentine Codex. General History of the Things of New Spain, vol. 9, eds. Arthur Anderson and Charles Dibble (Santa Fe: University of Utah Press, 2012), 1-5, 41-5, 61-5, with plates 1-17, 66-71, 93-4.
Lecture: “The Many Mexicos in Historical Context.”
Christian Kroll
Wed 29 Jan
- “The Five Suns or Cosmic Ages,” “The Cosmic Ages, the Rescuing of the Precious Bones, and the Discovery of Corn,” and “The Birth of Huitzilopochtli, Patron God of the Aztecs,” Native Mesoamerican Spirituality: Ancient Myths, Discourses, Stories, Doctrines, Hymns, Poems from the Aztec, Yucatec, Quiche-Maya and Other Sacred Traditions, ed. Miguel León-Portilla (New York: Paulist Press, 1982), 135-44, 220-225.
Lecture: “Mexica (Aztec) Philosophy at the Time of the Conquest.”
James Maffie (University of Maryland, guest lecturer)
Fri 31 Jan
- Gallery: Templo Mayor and city of Tenochtitlan
- 3D Reconstruction by Thomas Kole: A Portrait of Tenochtitlan
- Barbara E. Mundy, “Mapping the Aztec Capital: The 1524 Nuremberg Map of Tenochtitlan, Its Sources and Meanings,” Imago Mundi 50 (1998), 11-33.
Lecture: "Tenochtitlan: City of Light, City of Water."
Shivani Sud
- Lecture recording
- Lecture handout Word PDF
Week 2
Mon 3 Feb
- Gallery: Tira de la peregrinación / Boturini Codex (c. 1530)
- Selections from the Codex Mendoza, in The Essential Codex Mendoza, ed. Frances F. Berdan and Patricia Rieff Anawalt (Berkeley: University of California Press, 19927), folio 2r, and pp.7-9, 118-27.
Lecture: “We Walked a Long Time to Get Here; We Have Been Here Forever."
Nathalia King
Wed 5 Feb
- Information
- Codex Mendoza, ed. Frances F. Berdan and Patricia Rieff Anawalt (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), selections
- Facsimiles of folios 1-18r (= Vol. III, 9-43) and Facsimiles of folios 18v-19r, 37v-38r, 45v-46r (=Vol. III, 44-45, 82-83, 98-99), blank pages omitted; color images; large file; best viewed on computer, not printed).
- Translations of folios 1-18r (=Vol. IV, 7-41) and folios 18v-19r, 37v-38r, 45v-46r (=Vol. IV, 42-43, 80-81, 96-97), blank pages omitted.
Lecture: “Reading Mexica Imperialism through the Codex Mendoza.”
David Garrett
Fri 7 Feb
- Information
Selections from The Universal History of the Things of New Spain [La historia general de las cosas de Nueva España], Book 12 = We People Here: Nahuatl Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico, ed. and trans. James Lockhart (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), 48-9, 126-163, 301, 306-7.
Bernal Díaz, The Conquest of New Spain [Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España], trans. J. M. Cohen (London: Penguin, 1963), 284-307.
Lecture: “Telling the Story of New Spain.”
Nigel Nicholson
Week 3
Mon 10 Feb
In-Person lecture: 9:00-9:50am in Vollum Lecture Hall
- Information
- Selections from Luis Lasso de la Vega,The story of Guadalupe: Luis Laso de la Vega's Huei tlamahuiçoltica of 1649, eds. Lisa Sousa, Stafford Poole and James Lockhart (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998), 54-93.
- Gallery: Tonāntzin, Virgin Mary, Basilica of Guadalupe.
Lecture: “‘She is Ours, All Ours’: The Virgin of Guadalupe as a Political Symbol.”
Jenny Sakai
- Lecture recording
- Lecture handout Word PDF
- Lecture slides
Wed 12 Feb
- Information
- Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, “Loa to Narcissus,” in Poems, Protest, and a Dream, 195-239.
- Diana Taylor, “Performance and/as History,” The Drama Review 50 (2006): 67-86.
- Selection from “The Relacion,” in Tepoztlan: A Mexican Village (University of Chicago Press: 1973. 224-234. [This text provides a translation of the speech delivered by the actor representing El Tepozteco as part of Tepoztlan's annual fiesta. For a description of the full performance, see Taylor's article and the lecture.]
Lecture: “Dramas of Conversion: Sor Juana's Loa to the Divine Narcissus and the Reto of Tepoztlán.”
Simone Waller
Fri 14 Feb
No reading or lecture
Sat 15 Feb
Fifth paper due
Due Saturday, February 15, at 5:00 PM to your conference leader.
Week 4
Mon 17 Feb
- Information
- Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, “Reply to Sor Filotea,” in Poems, Protest, and a Dream, 1-75.
- Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Redondilla 92 (“A Philosophical Satire”); Decimas 130 and 132; Sonnet 161, in Poems, Protest, and a Dream, 148-51, 165, 179.
Lecture: "On Knowledge and Epistemic Injustice in Sor Juana's Reply"
Ann Delehanty/Meg Scharle
Wed 19 Feb
- Information
- Magali M. Carrera, “Locating Race in Late Colonial Mexico,” Art Journal 57.3 (1998): 36-45.
- Gallery: casta paintings.
Lecture: "Fantasies of Control: Casta Paintings and the Racial Order of New Spain"
Jenny Sakai
- Lecture recording
- Lecture slides
- Lecture handout Word PDF
Fri 21 Feb
Note: The lecturer recommends watching the lecture before beginning the reading.
- Information
- Selections from The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics, ed. Gilbert M. Joseph and Timothy J. Henderson (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2002):
- José Maria Morelos, “Sentiments of the Nation” (1813), 189-191.
- Agustín de Iturbide, “Plan of Iguala” (1821), 192-195.
- Editors of El Tiempo, “A Conservative Profession of Faith” (1846), 220-225.
- Mariano Otero, “Considerations Relating to the Political and Social Situation of the Mexican Republic in the Year 1847” (1847), 226-238.
- Gallery: Diego Rivera, National Palace mural (c. 1929-1935).
Lecture: “Turning Points: Mexico in the Nineteenth Century.”
Margot Minardi
Week 5
Mon 24 Feb
In-Person lecture: 9:00-9:50am in Vollum Lecture Hall
- Information
- Gallery: Diego Rivera, National Palace mural (c. 1929-1935).
- Branch, H.N., trans., The Mexican Constitution of 1917 compared with the Mexican Constitution of 1857 (American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1917), 1-3, 15-32, 94-113.
- “The Plan de Ayala” (1911), in John Womack, Zapata and the Mexican Revolution (New York: Vintage Books, 1970), 400-404.
- Zapata and Villa in Mexico City, 1914, 120 seconds (video).
Lecture: “Modernity and the Mexican Revolution.”
David Garrett
Wed 26 Feb
- Information
- Gallery: Mexican Muralism
- “Manifesto of the Syndicate of Technical Workers, Painters and Sculptors” (1923-1924), in Mexican Muralism: A Critical History, ed. Alejandra Anreus, Leonard Folgarait, and Robin Adèle Greeley (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012), 319-321.
Lecture: “State-Sponsored Art.”
Nigel Nicholson
Fri 28 Feb
- Information
- Los Olvidados (The Young and the Damned), directed by Luis Buñuel (1950).
- Cesare Zavattini, “Some Ideas on the Cinema,” Sight and Sound 23.2 (1953): 64-69.
- Luis Buñuel, “Cinema as an Instrument of Poetry,” in An Unspeakable Betrayal: Selected Writings of Luis Buñuel, trans. Garrett White (Oakland: University of California Press, 1995), 136-141.
Lecture: "Los Olvidados: Space, Violence, Dream"
Marat Grinberg
- Lecture recording
- Lecture slides
- Lecture handout Word PDF
Week 6
Mon 3 Mar
- Information
- Jose Emilio Pacheco, Battles in the Desert, trans. Katherine Silver (New York: New Directions, 2021), 9-71 (= 81-117 in the 1987 edition).
- Gallery: Juan O’Gorman, “Landscape of the City of Mexico.”
Lecture: “All Roads Lead to ‘Roma.’”
Libby Drumm
Wed 5 Mar
- Elena Poniatowska, Massacre in Mexico (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1991), vii-xvii, 3-23, 173-231 (= vii-xvii, 3-23, 171-172, 199-231 (text only), and 173-198 (images only).
- Elena Poniatowska, La Noche de Tlatelolco (Biblioteca Era, Mexico, D.F. 1971), images only.
Jan Mieszkowski
Fri 7 Mar
- Information
- Subcomandante Marcos, “Fourth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle” (1996), “Mexico City: We Have Arrived. We Are Here: The EZLN.” (2001), and “The Story of the Questions” (1994), in Our Word Is Our Weapon: Selected Writings, ed. Juana Ponce de León (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2001), 78-81, 155-162, 413-416.
- Zapatista Army of National Liberation, “6th Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle” (June 2005).
- Zapatista Women’s Revolutionary Law.
Lecture: “The Inconvenience of Revolution: Zapatismo, Cynicism, Dignity, and Memory.”
Christian Kroll
- Lecture recording
- Lecture handout Word PDF
Week 7
Mon 10 Mar
In-Person lecture: 9:00-9:50am in Vollum Lecture Hall
- Information
- W.E.B. Du Bois, “The Talented Tenth,” Souls of Black Folk, 189-205.
- Aida Overton Walker, “Colored Men and Women on the Stage,” The Colored American Magazine 9 (1905): 571-5.
- W.E.B. Du Bois, three short essays: “Criteria of Negro Art,” Crisis (1926): 290-7; “Negro Art,” Crisis (1921): 55-6; “The Social Origins of American Negro Art,” The Modern Quarterly 3 (1925): 53-6.
Lecture: “‘True Life’: Propaganda, Leadership, and the Politics of Black Art.”
Mark Burford
Wed 12 Mar
- Information
- W.E.B. Du Bois, “The Propaganda of History,” in Black Reconstruction in America (New Brunswick: Transaction, 2013), 635-51.
- Ida B. Wells, Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases, in Southern Horrors and Other Writings: The Anti-Lynching Campaign of Ida B. Wells, 1892-1900, 2nd ed., ed. Jacqueline Jones Royster (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2016), 46-68.
Lecture: "Reconstructing History, Reconstructing Freedom: Ida B. Wells and W.E.B. Du Bois."
Paddy Riley
Fri 14 Mar
Lecture: No Reading or Lecture
Sat 15 Mar
Sixth Paper Due
Due Saturday, March 15, at 5:00 PM to your conference leader.
Week 8
Mon 17 Mar
In-Person panel lecture: 9:00-9:50 a.m. in Vollum Lecture Hall
- Information
- Du Bois, Souls of Black Folk, “Of Our Spiritual Strivings,” Chapter 1
- W.E.B. Du Bois, “Credo” and “Souls of White Folk,” in Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil, (New York: Schocken Books, 1969), vii-viii, 3-4, 29-52.
Lecture: “The Veil, Second Sight, and Double Consciousness,” and “Whiteness is the Ownership of the Earth forever and ever, Amen!”
Nathalia King and Troy Cross
Wed 19 Mar
- Information
- Booker T. Washington, “Industrial Education for the Negro,” in The Negro Problem (New York: Pott & Co., 1903).
- W.E.B. Du Bois, “Coming of John,” Souls of Black Folk, Chapter 13.
Lecture: “The Pain, Pleasures, and Possibilities of Learning.”
Margot Minardi and Dustin Simpson
Fri 21 Mar
- Information
- Deacon A. Wilson and Congregation, "Certainly, Lord" (1926).
- Marian Anderson, “Go Down, Moses” (1924).
- Paul Robeson, “Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel?” (1936).
- Hosea Williams and Selma Marchers, “Steal Away” and “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen” (1965).
- Moses Hogan Chorale, “Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel?” (c. 2000).
- W.E.B. Du Bois, “The Sorrow Songs,” Souls of Black Folk, Chapter 14.
- Zora Neale Hurston, “Spirituals and Neo-Spirituals,” in The Sanctified Church (Berkeley, Calif.: Turtle Island, 1983), 79-84.
- Alain Locke, “The Negro Spirituals,” in The New Negro, ed. Locke (1925; rpt. New York: Touchstone, 1992), 199-213.
- James Weldon Johnson, “O Black and Unknown Bards,” in The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader, ed. Lewis, 282-283.
Lecture: “Who, How and Why Not? Questioning African American Spirituals.”
Mark Burford
Sat 22 Mar
Spring Break
March 22 – March 30
Week 9
Mon 31 Mar
In-Person lecture: 9:00-9:50am in Vollum Lecture Hall
- Information
- James Weldon Johnson, "The Making of Harlem," in Survey Graphic 6 (1925): 635-639.
- Saidiya Hartman, “A Note on Method,” “Mistah Beauty: the Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Woman, Select Scenes from a Film Never Cast by Oscar Micheaux, Harlem, 1920s,” “Revolution in a Minor Key,” “Wayward: A Short Entry on the Possible,” and “The Anarchy of Colored Girls Assembled in a Riotous Manner,” in Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments: Intimate Histories of Social Upheaval (New York: Norton, 2019), xiii-xvi, 192-202, 216-256.
Lecture: “Harlem, New York: City within a City.”
Margot Minardi
- Lecture Handout Word PDF
- Lecture slides
- Supplemental Resources
Wed 2 Apr
- Information
- The lecturer recommends watching the lecture before beginning the reading.
- Universal Negro Improvement Association, “Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World” (1920).
- Marcus Garvey, “Africa for the Africans” and “Liberty Hall Emancipation Day Speech,” in The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader, ed. Lewis, 17-28.
- Claude McKay, excerpt from “Banjo,” in The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader, ed. Lewis, 389-95.
- W.E.B. Du Bois, excerpts from “Dark Princess,” in The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader, ed. Lewis, 511-36.
- Langston Hughes, “Letter from Spain,” in The Collected Works of Langston Hughes, Volume 1: The Poems 1921-40, ed. Arnold Rampersad (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, 2001), 252-3.
Lecture: "Harlem in the World: Race, Diaspora, and Black Internationalism"
Kritish Rajbhandari
Fri 4 Apr
- Information
- Sterling Brown, "Our Literary Audience"
- Selections from The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader, ed.Lewis
- Countee Cullen, “Yet Do I Marvel” and “Heritage,” 244-247
- Claude McKay, “If We Must Die,” “The White House,” and “The Harlem Dancer,” 290-291, 296
- Langston Hughes, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” “The Weary Blues,” “Red Silk Stockings,” “Goodbye, Christ,” “Advertisement for the Waldorf-Astoria,” 257-267
- Sterling Brown, “Southern Road,” “Odyssey of Big Boy,” and “Ma Rainey,” 227-232
- James Weldon Johnson, “Creation,” 286-288
- Gwendolyn Bennet, “Hatred,” 223
- Helene Johnson (all the poems), 276-278
Lecture: “Harlem Renaissance Poetry.”
Dustin Simpson
Week 10
Mon 7 Apr
- Information
- FIRE!!: Devoted to the Young Negro Artist (1926)in Negro Periodicals in the United States (Westport, CT: Negro Universities Press, 1970). Focus on the following sections: Richard Bruce Nugent, “Smoke, Lilies And Jade, A Novel, Part I”; Zora Neale Hurston, “Sweat.”
Lecture: “Flaming Youth.”
Jay Dickson
Wed 9 Apr
- Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God, chapters 1-3 (pp.1-25).
- Zora Neale Hurston, “What White Publishers Won’t Print,” in I Love Myself When I Am Laughing...And Then Again When I Am Looking Mean and Impressive: A Zora Neale Hurston Reader, ed. Alice Walker (Old Westbury, N.Y.: Feminist Press, 1979), 169-173.
- Langston Hughes, “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain,” in The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader, ed. Lewis, 91–95.
- George S. Schuyler, “The Negro-Art Hokum,” in The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader, ed. Lewis, 96–99.
Lecture: TBD
Dustin Simpson
Fri 11 Apr
- Information
- Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God, chapters 4-13 (pp.26-128).
- “Audio files of Their Eyes Were Watching God, read by Ruby Dee.”
Lecture: “Hungry Listening.”
Libby Drumm
Week 11
Mon 14 Apr
In-Person lecture: 9:00-9:50am in Vollum Lecture Hall
- Information
- Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God, chapters 14-20 (pp.129-193).
Lecture: “From Mules to Men: Animals in Their Eyes were Watching God.”
Kritish Rajbhandari
Wed 16 Apr
- Information
- Jacob Lawrence, Migration Series (1940-1941), Phillips Collection. [Browse the thumbnails, including the titles; titles are visible if you hover the mouse over an image. Then, explore the full series of 60 panels, panel by panel, starting with panel 1. You can advance to the next panel by clicking the down arrow below “panel 1” at the upper right.]
- Gallery: W.E.B. Du Bois data portraits.
Lecture: “Moving the Color Line: Jacob Lawrence’s ‘Migration Series.’”
Nathalia King
- Lecture recording
- Lecture handout Word or PDF
- Lecture slides
Fri 18 Apr
- Information
- Listening guide
- Listening assignment. The song list is visible if you click on “Hovda Blues.”
- W.C. Handy, “St. Louis Blues.”
- Bessie Smith, Louis Armstrong, “St. Louis Blues.”
- Ida Cox, “Wild Women Don’t Have the Blues.”
- Ida Cox, “Graveyard Dream Blues.”
- Ma Rainey, “Runaway Blues.”
- Blind Willie Johnson, “Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground.”
- Blind Willie Johnson, Willie B. Richardson, “The Soul of a Man.”
- Skip James, “Devil Got My Woman.”
- Count Basie, “Boogie Woogie Blues.”
- Sister Rosetta Tharpe, “Strange Things Happening Every Day.”
- Chuck Berry, “Roll Over Beethoven."
- Duke Ellington, "Happy Go Lucky Local."
- Langston Hughes, “The Weary Blues,” “Jazzonia,” and “The Blues I'm Playing,” in The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader, ed. Lewis, 260-1, 619-627.
Lecture: “The Many-Sided Blues.”
Paul Hovda
Sat 19 Apr
Seventh paper due
Due Saturday, April 19, at 5:00 PM to your conference leader.
Week 12
Mon 21 Apr
In-Person lecture: 9:00-9:50am in Vollum Lecture Hall
- Information
- Ellison, Invisible Man, prologue, chapters 1-4 (pp.1-108).
Lecture: “Master Meter: The Poetics of Ralph Ellison.”
Peter Miller
Wed 23 Apr
- Ellison, Invisible Man, chapters 5-10 (pp.109-230).
Lecture: TBD
Kritish Rajbhandari
- Lecture recording
- Lecture handout
Fri 25 Apr
- Ellison, Invisible Man, chapters 11-16 (pp.231-355).
Lecture: "Stepping Inside of Time"
Nigel Nicholson
- Lecture recording
- Lecture handout PDF Word
Week 13
Mon 28 Apr
- Ellison, Invisible Man, chapters 17-22 (pp.356-478).
Lecture: “Modernity.”
Peter Steinberger
Wed 30 Apr
- Ellison, Invisible Man, chapters 23-epilogue (pp.479-581).
Lecture: “Running and Dodging the Forces of History.”
Ann Delehanty
Fri 2 May
Final Exam TBD
Mon 12 May
May 12 – May 16
Course Logistics
- Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Poems, Protest, and a Dream: Selected Writings, trans. Margaret Sayers Peden (New York: Penguin Books, 1997).
- W.E.B. Du Bois, Souls of Black Folk (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009). Note: parts of this book are in the public domain, and are accessible via Project Gutenberg.
- Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man (New York: Vintage International, 1995).
- Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God (New York: Harper Perennial, 2006).
- David Levering Lewis, ed., The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader (New York: Penguin, 1995).
- Jose Emilio Pacheco, Battles in the Desert, trans. Katherine Silver (New York: New Directions, 2021)
Additional assigned texts are available on e-reserves accessible via links embedded in the syllabus below. You will need your Reed username and password to access these texts. Please bring a copy of the day’s reading assignment to class each day. The library has on reserve a limited number of the required books.
On most Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of the semester, a lecture is assigned. On the Mondays, a lot of these are in-person (weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12), and for these lectures we will meet in Vollum Lecture Hall at 9:00 am. Please be on time; the moments when we all gather together as a unified class are important. In-person lecture days are flagged on the syllabus. The other lectures will be posted so they can be accessed online; you can review these when it is most convenient to do so, but, obviously, do so before your conference meeting. Some of these lectures have been reused from last year, but, of course, only when still relevant. Lectures are regularly updated.
Humanities 110 is a yearlong course, and students are expected to remain in the same conference throughout the year. In cases of absolutely unresolvable schedule conflicts, students may petition for a change of conference time. Petitions (in the form of an email) should be addressed to Nathalia King, including an explanation of the conflict and why it cannot be resolved. Students granted a change of conference time will be assigned to new sections based on available slots and the student’s schedule; requests to move into a particular conference generally cannot be honored.
Three course-wide papers will be assigned in the fall semester, due at the times designated on the syllabus. Individual conference leaders may assign additional writing. If the due date for an assignment conflicts with a religious holiday or obligation that you wish to observe, please consult with your conference leader. Over the course of the semester, students are also required to submit at least three conference discussion questions, in writing, to their conference leader. Due dates for these questions are determined by individual conference leaders.
If you have a documented disability requiring accommodations, please contact Disability Support Services. Notifications of accommodations on exams, papers, other writing assignments, or conferences should be directed to your conference leader. Notifications of accommodations regarding lectures can be directed to the chair of the course, Nigel Nicholson. You are advised to consult with your conference leader about how your accommodations might apply to specific assignments or circumstances in this course.
Your conference leader is your first line of support for any questions you have about the course. Please also be sure to explore the Hum 110 website for additional information. The Course Resources entries provide brief introductions to upcoming readings and suggestions for how to approach them. The Writing in Hum 110 page provides tips on the writing process.
The Writing Center is a particularly valuable resource for Hum 110 students working on papers. You can get help with all stages of the writing process from peer tutors at the Writing Center. Links to the Writing Center session are posted on the Drop-in hours for the Writing Center this semester are posted here. Extra hours in weeks when papers are due are also offered. In addition, students are eligible for one free hour of Hum. tutoring every week. For additional information about support resources available to you on the Reed campus, please see Student Life’s Key Support Resources for Students. If you have questions that aren’t answered here, please consult your conference leader or email
General questions for semester
- How is humanity defined? How are these definitions implicated in different social orders and movements?
- How do forced encounters of colonial Mexico and the African diaspora produce new, hybrid identities and cultures? What continuities and differences are there in these formations?
- How do colonized and formerly enslaved peoples retain their cultural heritage and communal identities when under pressure to assimilate or to adopt a dominant culture? What new cultural forms are created from these contacts and adaptations?
- What kinds of questions and conflicts arise from forced encounters between hybrid cultures? How have various thinkers and practitioners across time responded to these questions?
- How do the different narrative mediums (e.g. maps, architectural assemblages, catalogs, encyclopedias, novels, films, sonnets, murals, salon paintings, etc.) facilitate or promote particular understandings of their world?
- How and why do artworks gain authority? What is or should be their relation to politics?