Reed College Science Outreach

Prep Meeting Sign-in Portal

Please sign-in every week at the end of your prep meeting.


Your Name(s) *
Please sign-in at the end of your prep meeting and include all group members present below.

Which class are your meeting to prepare for today? *

Any special instructions for Shelly this week?
i.e. Do you need special supplies? How many groups do you need supplies for? Are you teaching this week's lesson on a different day or different time from normal? Do you have any requests, etc to pass along from your classroom teacher...etc?...

Lesson & Program Feedback

(optional but appreciated!)

Which lesson did you teach last week?

Was the lesson successful? Should it be reused?
Many lessons are reused from year to year. Would like to see this lesson repeated, modified, or removed from the curriculum.

Any specific changes to lesson that you would recommend?

Any other general comments or questions?
About Science Outreach, trainings, paperwork, etc...