Doyle Online Writing Lab


Exercises Answers

These are only possible answers to the exercises on this web. Play around with the sentences

(1) I have several errands to run today: I have to go to the store, meet my friend for coffee, work for six hours, and finish a psychology paper.

(2) America was a nation of innovation and new beginnings; it was also a nation that espoused the conventions and prejudices of the Old World. (No change required)

(3) I couldn't decide whether to entitle the paper "Story, History and Methodology: Herodotus and the Ideologies of Ancient Greece" or "Rhetorical Sideshows: Variety and Ideology in Ancient Greece. (The second title proposed in this sentence could probably be left as it was.)

(4) You shouldn't let these things get you down. Remember the old adage: "Whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger."

(5) "I didn't say I was angry about it," she replied. "I only wish you had told me that you were going to be late." (No change required)

(6) It is difficult to accomplish so many things at once: it is difficult to budget one's time effectively.