Humanities 110

Introduction to the Humanities

Paper Topics | Fall 2020 | Paper 1

Due Friday, September 18, 5:00 p.m., in your conference leader’s Eliot Hall mailbox.

Target length: 1,500 words

In the Tale of Sinuhe, the duel between Sinuhe and the unnamed hero of Retjenu is the turning point in the narrative, propelling Sinuhe’s return to Egypt. Through a close reading of the episode [B109: “A Hero of Retjenu …” – B147: “…and grew plentiful cattle.”], analyze the significance of the duel to Sinuhe’s exile and return. What does this episode reveal about Sinuhe’s relationship with his rival, with the Syrians, and with Egypt? Make sure to support your reading with textual evidence, paying attention to the use of figurative language and rhetorical devices.