Club Sports
Club sports at Reed allow students to meet others with similar interest to recreate, build social connections and explore the northwest area playing teams on the west coast. Reed offers a variety of club sports, including rugby, soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, squash, rowing, and curling. All offer the camaraderie of teammates, the opportunity to learn from coaches, and vibrant, competitive spirit.
Men’s Soccer Club
Coaches: Larry Beutler, John Mulholland
Join the club of Reed footballers to work your craft on the pitch. Team environment will allow players to develop skills by practicing and competing against teams in the Pacific Northwest.
…… Practices: Wednesdays & Fridays, 4:10-6pm (Quarters 1 & 2)
Coaches: Megan Foster, Claire Lundy
Introduction to rugby skills, tactics, principles of play and fun! Class focuses on Rugby 7s, although rugby union and touch concepts are incorporated. No previous knowledge of sport or rugby necessary but welcome.
This is a full contact sport. We will teach you what you need to be safe but a willingness to get into personal space and incorporate mobility and strengthening concepts are necessary for successful and safe participation!
Practice: Wednesdays 4pm-6pm & Sundays 12pm-2pm.
Matches on various Saturdays and Sundays per league schedule. Participation in games is not necessary for PE credit, but is necessary for optimum fun.
Running Club
Coach: Alison Crocker
Running is a fundamental human activity like no other. Running Outdoors is an independent PE course, meaning there is no fixed schedule or location for your runs. Run on your own or with friends. The only requirement is that you run twice a week—you decide the pace, the distance, and the terrain. Explore some of the amazing trails and routes around Reed. Open to runners of all abilities.
The instructor will email students with any pertinent class information.
Please take note: Students are only allowed to receive a maximum COMBINED of two (2) of the nondirected/guided PE classes. These include Off-Campus PE, Meditation, Swim Fitness, Independent Climb, Community Engagement, and Running Club/Running Outdoors. Once a student earns 2 credits in any of these classes any additional classes in this category will not be counted towards their six (6) total required for graduation.
After earning two (2) nondirected/guided PE credits students are welcome to continue to take any of these classes as they prefer but will not earn additional credit.-- but otherwise you can take as many of the directed classes as you'd like!
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Coaches: Kiarra Ko-Madden, Lillian Weaver
Ultimate Frisbee is a non-contact sport for all bodies and skill levels involving throwing and catching a disc. Ultimate is an excellent athletic outlet with seven players per side and continuous substitutions – running, sprinting, jumping, laying out, and more are all major parts of the game. A unique and defining element of ultimate, Spirit of the Game places the responsibility of fair play solely on the athletes themselves, reinforcing mutual respect and trust between opponents, communication and conflict resolution skills. The Reed Ultimate Frisbee team plays as an open/mixed team with the goal of competing in 2-3 tournaments per semester as well as the D-III college sectionals in April of 2024.
Here is a link to the Ultimate Team Discord:
…… Practices: Tuesdays, 4:10-5:44 (Gymnasium)
& Fridays, 4:40-6:30pm (Lower Pitch)
Women’s Soccer Club
Coach: Mindy Wu
Join the club of Reed footballers to work your craft on the pitch. Team environment will allow players to develop skills by practicing and competing against teams in the Pacific Northwest.
…… Practices: Mondays & Wednesdays, 4:10-6pm (Quarters 1 & 2)