Teaching with Technology

Information Technology

Panopto Media Tools for Students

Here are a few of Panopto video tools:

  • Video player. Get an overview of the viewer layout and how to access the various tools.
  • Bookmarks. Bookmarks can save a time-stamped section of a video for viewing later; bookmarks can be saved for any number of videos for reviewing at a later time.
  • Discussions and commenting. You can add time-stamped comments or questions on your video.
  • Media assignments. Your instructor may have you submit video or audio assignments for class. 
  • Notes. You can choose take private, time-stamped notes when viewing videos.
  • Playlists.  Playlists can link several shorter related videos to view sequentially. Be sure to read the section on viewing playlists on the help page.
  • Search. Learn how to search captions, smart chapters, bookmarks, and more.
  • Smart chapters. Presentation slides used in videos go through optical character recognition (OCR), which then display the slide titles along with timestamps when they appear. Scan through the slide titles and choose the area you may want to review.
  • Subscribe to videos. You can subscribe to a video folder or video tag, and view subscriptions while in Panopto.
  • Tags. You can tag videos, perform searches for tagged videos, or subscribe to specific tags

Troubles accessing media

If you experience issues accessing or viewing Panopt videos, please view this Panopto troubelshooting help page.

Accessing the tools

While viewing media on a Moodle course page, you will find Panopto’s video tools either below the video, or by clicking on the Panopto tools button, found below the video controls.

panopto moodle tools button 

Panopto tools revealed in Moodle:

panopto tools revealed


While viewing media on the Panopto website, on the left side you will find Panopto’s video tools.

panopto tools