Tom Landvatter
Associate Professor of Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies and Humanities
Mediterranean archaeology, Hellenistic and Roman Egypt and Near East, identity and ethnicity in the ancient world
On campus:
ETC 214
Phone: x4793
Off Campus:
Professor Thomas Landvatter
Department of Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Reed College
Portland, OR 97202
Phone: 503-517-4793
Fax: 503-777-7769
Education and Experience
B.A. 2006 Penn State University (Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies; History)
Ph.D. 2013 University of Michigan (Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology)
Before coming to Reed in 2015, Tom taught at Kalamazoo College and Valparaiso University. His teaching and research interests center on archaeology and history of the Eastern Mediterranean, in particular Egypt and Cyprus during the Hellenistic period (323-30 BCE). Tom’s research, which has been supported by the National Science Foundation and a Fulbright award, focuses on the archaeology of death and burial and the archaeology of imperialism, with a particular interest in cross-cultural interaction and its effect on material culture. He is a field archaeologist, with excavation experience in Israel, Poland, Egypt, and Cyprus. He is currently co-director of the Pyla-Kousopetria Archaeological Project’s (PKAP) excavations at the site of Vigla, Cyprus. The project includes an archaeological field school, which Reed students have participated in since 2018. Information about the fieldshool can found on our excavation blog.
Curriculum Vitae
Tom's CV and profile
Recent Courses Taught
ANME 385: Mummies, Urns, and Ancestors - the Archaeology of Death and Burial
ANME 383: Contact and Exchange in the Ancient Mediterranean - the Archaeology of the Greek World
ANME 382: Material Culture and Empire - the Archaeology of the Roman World