Gray Fund

Enriching opportunities

Gray Fund events are free and open to all Reed community members (students, faculty, and staff). All events are free of alcohol, drugs, and smoking. Events and trips are planned by both the Office for Student Engagement and Athletics, Fitness & Outdoor Programs.

The Gray Fund was founded by Betty Gray in 1992 to enrich students’ lives outside the classroom, bringing students, faculty, and staff together to enjoy musicians, performers, and artists on campus; explore the outdoors in and around Oregon; and engage other cultural, social, and recreational activities both on- and off-campus. For most on-campus events, attendees are welcome to invite a family member or partner. The principle behind every Gray Fund event is to have fun! 

Gray Fund Calendar

Visit our Gray Fund calendar to learn more about our events and to sign up for an opportunity.



The Gray Fund strives to ensure that activities are accessible to all members of the community, and is proud that its "substance free" policy has become a tradition at Reed. If you are concerned about your ability to attend an event due to physical limitations, please come to or call one of the offices listed below.

For more information about recreational trips, email Will Symms in the sports center (503-777-7285). For more information about other Gray Fund trips or events, email