Faculty Profiles

Robert Chang

Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Mathematics and Statistics Department
Division of Mathematical and Natural Sciences

Robert Chang's research interests lie in the intersection of mathematical physics, probability, and complex analysis. He is particularly interested in problems arising from quantum mechanics, such as quantum chaos; nodal sets and Lp norms of eigenstates; and spectral asymptotics. His most recent works establish near-diagonal scaling asymptotics for the Szegő kernel on the boundary of a Grauert tube, with applications to the growth rate of Husimi distributions. Trained as an analyst, Chang is particularly passionate about teaching mathematical analysis. He is also a mentor for Bridge to Calculus at Northeastern University. Chang obtained his PhD under the supervision of Steve Zelditch at Northwestern University in 2019. He was a Zelevinsky Research Instructor at Northeastern University prior to joining Reed College.

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