Faculty Profiles

faculty photo imageAdrien Allorant

Visiting Assistant Professor of Statistics
Mathematics and Statistics Department
Division of Mathematical and Natural Sciences

My research is at the intersection of applied statistics, public health, and sociology. I develop new quantitative methods and metrics to aggregate various data sources (population surveys or censuses, medico-administrative databases, or satellite imagery), to increase available evidence relating to inequalities in disease burden and access to health services, with a particular focus on data-sparse settings. Simultaneously, I am especially interested in studying the effects of the quantification of global health on how international and local policy-makers understand and formulate health problems and what they see as potential solutions. For instance, during my PhD, which I received from the University of Washington in Seattle, in 2021, I studied the application and consequences of some results-based financing programs, i.e., health interventions where financial incentives are given to healthcare organizations/providers to achieve certain performances defined by quantitative targets. Over the last year and a half, I was a postdoctoral researcher at McGill University in Montreal, working on several equity-oriented HIV research projects, in close collaboration with UNAIDS, the branch of the UN dedicated to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic. I also hold a BA in Social Sciences from SciencesPo Paris, a BS in Applied Mathematics from La Sorbonne University, a Diplome d'Ingenieur (~ MSc) in Statistics and Econometrics from the French National School of Statistics and Economic Administration, and a Master in Public Health from Paris-Saclay University. As a Visiting Professor at Reed, I will be teaching Math 141 - Introduction to Statistics, and Math 241 - Data Science. In my free time, I'm hoping to ride my bike around the streets of Portland to conduct a complete census and provide an exhaustive review of its coffee shops.

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