Economics 312

Theory and Practice of Econometrics

Spring 2014

Jeffrey Parker, Reed College



Your code number is calculated by taking the two-digit number formed by the last two digits of your Reed ID number, multiplied times 2, added to the two-digit number formed by the last two digits of your mailbox number multiplied times 5. In other words, 2X + 5Y, where X is the last two of your Reed ID and Y is the last two of your mailbox.

Grading scale

For a rough estimate, 80-100% is likely to be some flavor of A, 70-80% some flavor of B, and about 60-70% some kind of C. Grades below 60% are likely to be in the D/F range.

Code Dailies Projects MT-Class MT-Home
 Out of: 40 10 55 35
81 40 9.0 48 31.5
83 31 8.8 43 30.5
166 40 9.0 51 30.5
168 40 9.1 39 26
169 36 8.6 39 27.5
173 42 9.3 52 31.5
177 39 8.6 41 26.5
179 35 8.5 44 32
262 36 8.5 41 27.5
308 38 7.3 52 26
353 35 8.7 39 22
366 32 7.8 36 26.5
404 40 9.5 48 26
405 29 8.7 45 32
440 12 9.5 27 25.5
506 36 9.1 42 28
541 39 7.3 39 26
569 34 8.5 42 26.5
575 27 8.3 52 30.5
581 15 8.8 36 25.5
592 32 9.5 45 29
635 34 8.7 44 24.5