Economics 312

Spring 2010
March 23

Calculate your coded ID number as 3X + Y, where X is the two-digit number that is the last two digits of your Reed ID and Y is the two-digit number that is the last two digits of your Reed mailbox number.

Homework and project averages are on a scale of 10. Exam scores are on a scale of 100.

As a rough guide, 80% or above tends to be A/A-, 70-80% tends to be B/B+, 50-70% tends to be B-/C+/C/C-. However, there will be adjustments for factors such as class participation and outliers that will influence the final grade beyond the raw average.

ID Homework Projects Inclass MT TH MT
9 4.4 6.8 55.7 64.3
17 5.1 7.9 67.1 58.2
76 7.2 7.4 71.4 68.4
108 6.3 8.2 82.9 83.7
123 7.7 9.4 82.9 84.7
133 5.5 8.9 67.1 72.4
150 4.7 6.5 71.4 40.8
177 8.4 8.4 80.0 62.2
191 8.1 9.4 87.1 83.7
205 7.0 8.1 72.9 90.8
235 7.4 8.5 80.0 78.6
285 8.4 8.2 75.7 73.5
289 7.1 8.5 84.3 86.7
296 4.6 8.9 75.7 63.3
316 8.0 8.5 71.4 67.3
318 6.8 8.5 78.6 67.3
354 6.4 7.9 71.4 50.0
359 6.9 8.8 82.9 84.7