Economics 304

Intermediate Macroeconomics

Fall 2013

Jeffrey Parker, Reed College



Last updated: October 28


Your code number is calculated by taking the two-digit number formed by taking the last two digits of your Reed ID number and adding two times the two-digit number formed by the last two digits of your mailbox number.

Grading scale

For a rough estimate, 80-100% is likely to be some flavor of A, 70-80% some flavor of B, about 60-70% some kind of C, and 50-60% is probably a C- or D. Grades below 50% are failing.

All three grades in the table below are in terms of percentages, covering 14 daily problems, 3 problem sets, and one midterm.

Code Dailies ProbSets Midterm
36 78.6 83.8 71.0
38 89.3 79.1 77.4
41 100.0 93.0 74.2
60 100.0 81.4 71.0
62 96.4 95.5 80.6
68 78.6 69.8 71.0
106 96.4 68.4 32.3
108 96.4 90.0 71.0
115 57.1 63.4 58.1
124 32.1 43.0 45.2
147 100.0 92.3 90.3
148 92.9 72.9 74.2
150 96.4 77.1 71.0
152 85.7 79.9 80.6
161 85.7 70.4 77.4
170 67.9 76.5 64.5
171 42.9 88.3 80.6
203 92.9 77.2 83.9
255 92.9 92.5 71.0
272 100.0 94.8 83.9