Campus Announcements

Talk: Meredith Monk: Archeology of an Artist

Tuesday, November 12, 7:30 PM
PAB performance lab
This event is open only to current Reed students, faculty, and staff.

Meredith Monk, a composer, singer, director/choreographer, creator of new opera, music-theatre works, films, and installations, and a pioneer in what is now called “extended vocal technique,” speaks about her process and artistic trajectory over the last five decades. Beginning with her visionary exploration of the human voice and her concurrent creation of multifaceted music-theatre works and films, Monk explains how she weaves together music, image, movement, light, and object in order to discover new modes of perception. Throughout her talk she offers live performances and video clips to provide a thoroughly immersive and informative experience, which culminates in an informal Q & A with the audience. 

Open only to current Reed College students, faculty, and staff.

Sponsored by the Greenberg Distinguished Scholar Program.

For more information, contact Brittney Corrigan-McElroy.
Submitted by Laurie Lindquist.
Posted on Nov 7, 2013

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