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Palace Group

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Upper Level

Upper Level: looking past chultune to largely collapsed structure on west side of Palace, showing front and back vaults.
Jan. 2001
Front vault of largely collapsed structure in photo at left, showing typical concrete-rubble structure faced with veneer stones tenoned into core.
Jan. 2002
Same largely collapsed vault, showing rare example of well preserved plaster even though exposed to weather.
Jan. 2001
Same structure as above, back vault to room with partially buried doorway.
Jan. 2003
Partially standing structure farther back, cleared and explored 1996-1998.
Jan. 2001
Same partially standing structure, column divides doorway into two equal openings; small separating stones indicate reconstruction.
Jan. 2003
Tourists descending staircase from upper level.
Jan. 2003 (24 mm lens)
Open top of staircase in front of east structure.
Jan. 2002
Narrow vaulted room at back of east building; showing non-supporting facing stones tenoned into concrete-rubble core.
Jan. 2003 (24 mm lens)
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