Course Description

Full course for one semester. A survey of vascular plants using evolutionary and ecological principles to interpret patterns of diversity in vascular plant form and function. Topics include morphological adaptations of plants, the genetic properties of plant populations, plant reproduction and mating system variation, a survey of biotic and abiotic ecological interactions important to flowering plants, and the paleobotany and biogeography of plant species. Laboratory work will include a survey of flowering plant taxonomy with an emphasis on learning elements of the flora of the Pacific Northwest. Laboratory projects will demonstrate methods used for establishing evolutionary relationships, assessing genetic structure in natural populations, and identifying adaptive features of plant form and function, and will include independent research in the laboratory or field. Prerequisite: Biology 101/102. Lecture-laboratory.


The course is taught by Keith Karoly.
  • Keith's Office: B240; ext. 7846
  • Keith's Office Hours: Th 10:30-11:30am; F 1:00-2pm & drop in or by appointment
  • Send email to: kkaroly (at)