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Great Platform and Terrace

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Unrestored and Restored Corners

Northwest corner of massive Great Platform, north side, with hugh curved corner stones restored to match corresponding corner stones in place on southeast corner.
Jan. 2003
Same NW corner; showing lowest platform in foreground, low with narrow grass terrace on top, and tall Platform 2, with several setbacks, above.
Jan. 2002
Same NW corner, west side; this Great Platform is one of the biggest constructions in the Northern Maya Lowlands.
Jan. 2002
Showing lowest platform in foreground, low with narrow grass terrace on top, and tall section of Great Platform, with several setbacks, above.
Jan. 2001
Northeast corner, detail of east side.
Jan. 2002
SE corner, fallen rounded corner stones.
Jan. 2002
Northeast corner, showing that original builders used stone wedges to fill the irregularities between crudely shaped stones.
Jan. 2002 (24mm lens)
Same NE corner, restored; Great Platform was constructed on top of natural elevation.
Jan. 2002 (24mm lens)
Same NE corner, upper corner stones placed to agree with surviving stones at southeast corner.
Jan. 2001
Southeast corner of Great Platform, largely collapsed; in the foreground remains of preceeding terrace.
Jan. 2002
Same SE corner, showing remaining, hugh, corner stones at top.
Jan. 2002
Same SE corner, showing remaining, hugh, corner stones at top.
Jan. 2002

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