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Great Platform

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West Side with Early Buildings

Looking south from early Chenes Temples to Great Pyramid; Great Platform off photo at left.
Jan. 2003
Early Chenes Temples at ground level; Great Platform constructed later partly covering early temples.
Jan. 2003
"Uxmal, Building 1 west of Governor's Palace: north facade (now restored)."
Scannned from George F. Andrews, Pyramids and Palace, Monsters and Masks; Vol. 1, Architecture of the Puuc Regions and the Northern Plains Area, 1995, p.158.  Reproduced with permission of Labyrinthos, publisher.
Restored staircase in position of original staircase, near west side of Great Platform, leading up to terrace and House of the Turtles, seen behind.
Jan. 2002
Looking east through separation between Chenes Temples to Great Platform and Governor's Palace beyond and above.
Jan. 2003 (24 mm lens)
Largely collapsed vaulted room in center, with doorway into back room, and almost totally collapsed room at right with lower portion of doorway and low platform.
Jan. 2003 (24 mm lens)
End wall of vaulted room.
Jan. 2002
Partly collapsed back room, same doorway as in photo above-right.
Jan. 2003 (24 mm lens)
Same area as in photo at left; same doorway at left; showing rubble core and tenoned facing stones.
Jan. 2002
Chultune with deep stone mouth, beside west wall.
Jan. 2002
Chultune protected with wooden grate, slightly west of west wall.
Jan. 2003
Stack of fallen stones retrieved during clearing, west of west wall.
Jan. 2001

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