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Dovecote Group

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Looking northeast along south face of the House of the Pigeons; the Dovecote Roofcomb originally had 9 stepped, perforated, gable-shaped sections.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Looking northwest along south face of the House of the Pigeons; the Dovecote Roofcomb miraculously preserved over thirteen centuries.
Jan. 2001
"Acropolis group: South Acropolis, Uxmal."
Scanned from George F. Andrews, Pyramids and Palace, Monsters and Masks; Vol. 1, Architecture of the Puuc Regions and the Northern Plains Area, 1995 (p. 218). Reproduced with permission of Labyrinthos, publishers, 1995.
Official INAH plaque.
Jan. 2002
Detail of plaque at left; showing original position of figurative sculpture on roofcomb.
Jan. 2002
Detail of plaque at far left; groundplan of Dovecote Group, showing that the long narrow House of the Pigeons is the northern boundary of the quadrangle to which the arrow points; also showing the Great Pyramid at right.
Jan. 2002
Spanish description.
Jan. 2002
Yucatec Mayan description.
Jan. 2002
English description.
Jan. 2002
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