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Pyramid of the Magician (Adivino)

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Temple I Sculpture and INAH Plaque

Similar to the so-called "Queen of Uxmal", which has more detailed scarification (see drawing at far right), originally on Temple I of the Pyramid of the Magician, Uxmal. This version on display at the Museo Regional de Yucatán, Palacio Cantón, in Mérida.
Jan. 2003
Man's head projecting from open serpent jaws; detail of sculpture at left; discovered in 1968-69 in debris on south side of Pyramid of the Magician's
Jan. 2002

1917. The so-called "Queen of Uxmal," seemingly a male head; originally over central doorway of west facade of Temple I, now on display at the Museo Nacional de Antropología, México. "Fig. 84a. Uxmal. House of the Magician. Ground floor. Stone head “The Woman” under the mask that is attached to the frieze in the middle of the facade connecting to the snake-rattle-cylinder, to the fourth section of the girder molding."
Scanned from Eduard Seler, “Die Ruinen von Uxmal,” 1917 (fig. 84a); print closely based on Seler’s on-site drawing.

Official INAH plaque on ground in front of east face of Pyramid.
Jan. 2001
Official INAH plaque.
Jan. 2002
1917. "Fig. 84b. Uxmal. Tattooing or ornamental scarring on the right cheek of the 'Woman'." (detailed drawing of scarification seen in image above).
Scanned from Eduard Seler, “Die Ruinen von Uxmal,” 1917 (fig. 84b); print closely based on Seler’s on-site drawing.
Official INAH plaque.
Jan. 2002
Detail of plaque at left; showing vertical cross-section of Pyramid and drawing of the so-called "Queen of Uxmal".
Jan. 2002
Detail of plaque at far-left; groundplan of Nunnery Quadrangle, Pyramid of the Magician, and other structures in area; arrow point to east grand staircase of Pyramid of the Magician.
Jan. 2002
Spanish description.
Jan. 2002
Yucatec Mayan description.
Jan. 2002
English description.
Jan. 2002
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