Sexual Health, Advocacy & Relationship Education

Reports, Investigations, Formal Complaints, & Grievance Procedures

All reports of sexual harassment or other contact will be reviewed by the Title IX/504 coordinator. They will determine if the alleged conduct would violate the DHSM or the Title IX policy. DHSM and Title IX policy violations are handled differently. The following information applies to situations in which a student is accused of causing harm. Please see the college’s website ( for complete information for staff and faculty respondents.

DHSM Invesigations and Grievance Procedure

If the conduct of a student accused of causing harm would violate the DHSM policy, the Title IX/504 coordinator will refer the matter to community safety for investigation, even if the survivor does not wish to participate. The accused party will be contacted, usually within 72 hours. The survivor can request a delay in notification in order to put safety measures in place. If there is a risk of immediate physical danger to the survivor or others, the Title IX/504 coordinator may initiate steps to protect the survivor or the campus which may include excluding the accused party from campus and/or contacting law enforcement

Regardless of the outcome of the investigation, a formal complaint of a DHSM violation can be made. The DHSM disciplinary process is detailed in the Judicial Board Code. If the investigation determines that the alleged conduct actually would violate Title IX, the matter will be dealt with under the Title IX process.

Title IX Investigations and Grievance Procedure

If the conduct of a student accused of causing harm would violate the Title IX policy, an investigation will not generally be started. The accused party will generally be contacted. The survivor can request a delay in notification in order to put safety measures in place. If there is a risk of immediate physical danger to the survivor or others, the Title IX/504 coordinator may initiate steps to protect the survivor or the campus which may include excluding the accused party from campus and/or contacting law enforcement.

A Title IX investigation only begins if a formal complaint is filed by the complainant with the Title IX/504 coordinator or signed by the Title IX/504 coordinator, and a grievance procedure will always be initiated. The Title IX/504 coordinator will provide notice to both complainant and respondent, will offer supportive measures to both parties, and will initiate a prompt and equitable grievance procedure that complies with Title IX. The procedure allows for both formal and informal resolutions and includes investigation, live hearing, and appeals processes, as appropriate.

In certain circumstances, the Title IX/504 coordinator must or may dismiss formal complaints. A dismissal due to the alleged behavior not violating Title IX does not necessarily preclude the college from taking action under another policy, process, or procedure, or preclude consideration of additional information that becomes available after dismissal.