Sexual Health, Advocacy & Relationship Education

Report Form for Sexual Misconduct, Dating or Domestic Violence, and Stalking

If this is an emergency that involves an imminent risk of harm to self or others, please call Reed Community Safety at 503-788-6666 or 911.

Online Form

You can use this form to report any kind of sexual harassment or assault, relationship violence, or stalking. This form may be submitted anonymously. The information will be sent to the Title IX Coordinator, the Community Safety Office, and the SHARE Program Director. Deidentified information may be included in the Annual Security Report. Completing this form is not the same as making a police report or filing a complaint with the Title IX Board. For more information, please see the Sexual Assault Reporting page. When possible, the college will take steps to address the incident described in the report, although any investigation or remediation will be limited by the information available.

PLEASE NOTE: This report may be completed without sharing names, and names may be shared at a later time (or never). If you choose to share a specific name using this form, please be aware that the college may use this information to address the incident described in the report. While it is inherently difficult to gather the full facts in response to anonymous reports, the college will nonetheless conduct an investigation. The investigation will be as thorough as is practicable and will be appropriate to the specific report. This may include contacting any parties named in the report and sharing the information in the report with them.

Please be aware that you have the option to talk to a confidential resource (see more information below) before choosing to share any specific names, to better understand what next steps the college may take to address the report.

If the information you disclose represents a serious or continuing threat to the Reed community, a Timely Warning may be issued by Community Safety so that others may protect themselves. However, even if your identity were known, it would not be disclosed in the warning.

Anonymous reports are used to gather and record information regarding the incidence of sexual assault and other forms of misconduct on and around our campus, and to inform the community about the campus climate.

Confidential support, information, and resources are available from the Reed Health & Counseling Center (503-517-7349) and also available 24/7 from Call to Safety (503-235-5333).