Diversity and Your Department

Resources for addressing diversity and inclusion


Andraos, M. E. (2012). Engaging Diversity in Teaching Religion and Theology: An Intercultural, De-Colonial Epistemic Perspective. Teaching Theology & Religion, 15(1), 3-15. (PDF)

Andraos provides a primer on colonialism, decolonization, and how those two concepts affect learning and the classroom environment. They offer practical applications of decolonization in a Religion classroom. This article is best for professors unfamiliar with postcolonial studies and how to incorporate them into coursework and class discussion.

Coleman, M. A. (2007). Transforming to Teach: Teaching Religion to Today's Black College Student. Teaching Theology & Religion, 10(2), 95-100. (PDF)

This essay examines the ways in which postmodern pedagogies are received (and rejected) by black students in religion classes. In some ways, this work may feel reductive to Reed professors, as Coleman struggles to introduce a classroom style that is already firmly established at Reed, but there are some generally useful lesson ideas to be found in this short piece.

DeTemple, J. (2012). Home Is My Area Code: Thinking about, Teaching, and Learning Globalization in Introductory World Religions Classes. Teaching Theology & Religion, 15(1), 61-71. (PDF)

This article examines the benefits and challenges of discussing globalization within the context of an intro religion course. Although the students in DeTemple's class may have had more problems grasping the ideas of globalization than the average Reed class would, the article still provides potentially helpful insight into managing the varying worldviews that come together in an intro religion course.

LePeau, L. (2007). Queer(y)ing Religion and Spirituality: Reflections from Difficult Dialogues Exploring Religion, Spirituality, and Homosexuality. College Student Affairs Journal, 26(2), 186-192. (PDF)

In this piece, LePeau examines the results of combining religion and sexuality in a highly personal classroom atmosphere. LePeau offers up several practical suggestions for how to deal with these sensitive topics within an emotionally fraught college classroom; this article is primarily helpful for any professor finding themselves navigating a similar atmosphere.

Locklin, R. B., Tiemeier, T., & Vento, J. M. (2012). Teaching World Religions without Teaching "World Religions". Teaching Theology & Religion, 15(2), 159-181. (PDF)

This work offers three separate essays that attempt to show how a professor can go about teaching a pluralistic religion class without falling into the problematic pratfalls of "world religions" courses that critics have recently lambasted. This work is helpful for any religion professor who is looking for tips on how to remain sensitive to how their classroom is run.

Neal, L. S. (2013). From Classroom to Controversy: Conflict in the Teaching of Religion. Teaching Theology & Religion, 16(1), 66-75. (PDF)

In this article, Neal examines the way a certain project they assigned in a religion class caused conflict throughout campus, and how conflict can be both productive and harmful to the classroom environment. This highly pertinent article addresses many of the subjects broached by trigger warnings from a different angle. This is recommended for all professors.