Diversity and Your Department

Resources for addressing diversity and inclusion


The Beauty of Physics: Increasing the Diversity Quotient. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from https://www.thenewagenda.net/2009/09/12/the-beauty-of-physics-increasing-the-diversity-quotient/

This short article lays out the disparities in who receives degrees in physics. One of the most interesting points in this article is that the number of black students earning degrees drops significantly in states west of Louisiana, meaning that these students are congregating in Historically Black Colleges. This is a good place to begin looking at inequities in the field of physics.


Diversity Resources + Links. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from https://physics.iupui.edu/about/diversity/resources

This webpage contains numerous links to data resources and organizations that work towards increased diversity in physics. This is a good place to start if you need to research and get hands on with programs and grants that aid in your diversity goals.

Danielsson, A. T. (2012). Exploring woman university physics students "doing gender" and "doing physics." Gender and Education, 24(1), 25–39. (PDF)

This exploration of gender in the field of physics tries to differentiate itself from other studies of similar topics by focusing not on the differences between male and female students but on personal interviews with female physics students that get at the nuances of the experience. This article is very personable and serves to remind the reader that the individual people and their experiences are not just vehicles for statistics.

Garmon, S. Sexual and Gender Diversity in Physics | Prettyqueer.Com. Retrieved from https://prettyqueer.com/2012/12/04/sexual-and-gender-diversity-in-physics/

This article is a personal narrative by a trans woman, describing her self-discovery while becoming a physicist. This article would be great to circulate to non-binary students that have doubts about the compatibility of their futures and their identities.

Tags: Trans

Götschel, H. (2014). No Space for Girliness in Physics: Understanding and Overcoming the Masculinity of Physics. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 9(2), 531–537. (PDF)

In this study, Götschel shifts attention from the struggle of women in physics to the struggle of the feminine in physics. She argues that in order to 'pass' in the world of physics, women (and feminine boys) must deny their girliness, and she argues that physics needs to work towards a greater acceptance of "the other," and not an assimilation thereof. This is a nuanced view, and recommended for all instructors.

Kirkpatrick, J. (2014, November 26). Women In Astronomy: On Planck's Law, Blackbodies and the Physics of Diversity. Retrieved from https://womeninastronomy.blogspot.com/2014/11/on-plancks-law-blackbodies-and-physics.html

This is a basic explanation, through the use of metaphor, of how intersectionality affects the experience of being a researcher and scientist. This is a good place to start if you are unfamiliar with the ideas of intersectionality and would like an explanation in understandable language.

Kreutzer, K., & Boudreaux, A. (2012). Preliminary Investigation of Instructor Effects on Gender Gap in Introductory Physics. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 8(1). (PDF)

This study examines the gender inequity inside a physics classroom to discover why men typically do better than females. This article is primarily valuable because it offers a succinct list of five things that any professor can do to increase gender equity in their classroom, including "cultivate optimistic student-teacher relationships" and "practice nonjudgmental responsiveness."