Diversity and Your Department

Resources for addressing diversity and inclusion


Ropers-Huilman, R., Winters, K. T., & Enke, K. A. E. (2013). Discourses of Whiteness: White Students at Catholic Women's Colleges (Dis)Engaging Race. Journal of Higher Education, 84(1), 28-55. (PDF)

In this study, Ropers-Huilman et al. interview white female graduates at a primarily white school to show that education about and discussion of racism, diversity, and inclusivity in an all-white sphere often cannot successfully get the participant/recipients of that education to deconstruct and understand the impact of their whiteness. This study is helpful as both an introduction to the idea of white privilege and as a nuanced view of issues that often plague Reed as a dominantly white campus.


Schwartz, M. (2012). Public Stakes, Public Stories: Service Learning in Literary Studies. PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 127(4), 987-993. (PDF)

In this essay, Schwartz advocates for service-based learning, in which literature classes engage with the community as part of their curriculum. Reed does not offer many classes of this sort, but it would be potentially beneficial to examine the possibility of their inclusion into the curriculum.

Wilson, N. (2014). Making Space for Diversity. College Composition and Communication, 66(1), 31-33. (PDF)

In this short essay, Wilson details the changes that she made to her college's writing center website and the challenges she received from colleagues because of this. While she does not offer up many solutions to the faculty conflicts she presents, this article is useful for suggesting different ways to make a literature department's "virtual space" more diverse and inclusive.