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Political Science

Bos, Angela L., Erin C. Cassese, and Lauren E. Duncan. "Integrating Gender into the Political Science Core Curriculum." PS: Political Science & Politics 45, Issue 2 (April 2012): 238 - 243. (PDF)

The authors recommend "gender mainstreaming"–including gender politics within and throughout "mainstream" courses–so that all students can gain exposure without taking special courses, and conversely cannot choose to avoid diversity exposure. Gender mainstreaming could also encourage women to pursue political science as a major, where they currently make up less than half of the total number of students. Also discusses the ways in which gender­ based studies can serve as useful analytic tools, even where gender is not an immediately apparent factor. Includes a "mainstreaming strategies" section.

Bos, Angela L. and Erin C. Cassese. "A Hidden Curriculum? Examining the Gender Content in Introductory­ Level Political Science Textbooks." Politics & Gender 9, Issue 2 (June 2013):214-223. (PDF)

This article presents a thorough analysis of the gendered content in introductory political science textbooks. The findings show that women are more represented in sections on civil rights and there is little content addressing women's political behavior and involvement.

Smith, Rogers M. "The Puzzling Place of Race in American Political Science." PS: Political Science and Politics 37, Issue 1 (Jan. 2004): 41-45. (PDF)     

This essay presents a historical overview of the absence of discussions of race in political science in the 20th century. The author argues that by not fully exploring race throughout the discipline's history, political scientists have "contributed historically to the political construction of race in America as a vast system of unjust racial inequalities" and demands the profession "do better."


Auerbach, Arthur H. "Teaching Diversity: Using a Multifaceted Approach to Engage Students." PS: Political Science & Politics 45, Issue 3 (July 2012): 516-520. (PDF)

The author of this article details the content and methods he used to teach a political science course on diversity in society. He used inclusive methods in his pedagogy and brought in non-traditional sources to show a variety of perspectives. While this article is based on a political science course, the methods used are applicable to most disciplines.