Reed College Canyon


Reed Canyon Enhancement Strategy

Management Units

Middle Lake Management Zone

Location: The Middle Lake extends from the sanitary sewer line that crosses the Lake to the pedestrian footbridge. The area of enhancement is approximately 122,500 sq ft

Condition: This area contains good native tree and shrub cover, but the understory of ivy hinders the health of the area. Ivy covers the soil surface, out-competing native species and preventing them from establishing. Many of the ivy, as well as clematis vines extend high into the trees and may ultimately weaken and kill the trees. The flowering vines spread their seed throughout the area and down canyon. The trail is in need of upgrading, predominantly on the ground (rather than boardwalk). The middle lake offers a good chance of restoration success with persistence and relatively low cost. This area is visible from the bridge and appears to have moderate foot traffic.

Vision: The side slopes support a headwater forest plant community that could be fully recovered with enhancement by extraction of invasives. The first 10' closest to the water could support a riparian edge plant community that would adequately feed the beaver and protect the larger trees on site.

See also: Implementation Strategy for Middle Lake Management Zone

Lower Lake Management Zone index Upper Lake Management Zone