Reed College Canyon

Canyon Map

campus aerial shot

  1. Crystal Springs. The water issues from an underground aquifer at several points on the eastern end of Reed lake. The output averages between 4-7 cfs.

  2. The bridge. The cross canyon pedestrian bridge provides the first fully accessible link across the lake. Built in 1992, this bridge replaced an older version that had stairs at each end.

  3. The dam. The Johnson Creek Basin Protection Plan recognizes Reed lake as the only naturally-occuring pond (or lake) remaining in the inner-city area. Beaver may have built it first, but the earthen dam may have been constructed around the turn of the century.

  4. Fish Ladder location. The former outdoor pool was built before 1933 and was retired in 2000. A fish ladder and an open stream meander were completed in 2001 linking the upper lake with Crystal Springs creek. (See Restoration for more information.)

  5. The Reed Theatre. Built in 1972, it spans the creek.

  6. 28th Street, lower canyon and springs. From here the water flows past Crystal Springs Lake at the Rhododendron Gardens, through the Eastmoreland Golf Course and Westmoreland Park, and south to the confluence with Johnson Creek at Johnson Creek Park. Johnson Creek flows into the Willamette in Milwaukie at the foot of SE Harrison St.