Course Reading

Sept 9 Is ethnobotany biology?, is it a science? Balick, MJ. 1996. Transforming ethnobotany for the new millenium. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 83: 58-66.

Phillips, O, AH Gentry, C Reynel, P Wilkin, & C Galvez-Durand B. 1994. Quantitative ethnobotany and Amazonian conservation. Conservation Biology 8: 225-248
Sept 16

Unintended conseqeunces from GMO crops for food quality

Prakash, CS.  2001. The genetically modified crop debate in the context of agricultural evolution.  Plant Physiology 126: 8-15.

Shepherd, LV, JW McNicol, R Razzo, MA Taylor, & HV Davies.  2006.  Assessing the potential for unintended effects in genetically modified potatoes perturbed in metabolic and developmental processes. Targeted analysis of key nutrients and anti-nutrients.  Transgenic Research 15: 409-425.

Sept 23 Impacts of fire suppression

Backer, DM, SE Jensen, & GR McPherson. 2004. Impacts of fire suppression activities on natural communities. Conservation Biology 18: 937–946.

 Parks, SA, C Miller, CR Nelson, & ZA Holden. 2014. Previous fires moderate burn severity of subsequent wildland fires in two large western US wilderness areas. Ecosystems 17: 29–42.

Sept 30 Assisted Plant Migration

Schwartz, MW, JJ Hellmann, JM McLachlan, DF Sax, JO Borevitz, et al. 2012. Managed relocation: integrating the scientific, regulatory, and ethical challenges. BioScience 62: 732–743.

Liu. H,  C-L Feng, B-S Chen, Z-S Wang, X-Q Xie, Z-H Deng, X-L Wei, S-Y Liu, Z-B Zhang, & Y-B Luo.  2012.  Overcoming extreme weather challenges: successful but variable assisted colonization of wild orchids in southwestern China. Biological Conservation 150: 68-75.

Oct. 7 Urban trees and air pollution removal

Jim, CY, & WY Chen.  2009.  Ecosystem services and valuation of urban forests in China.  Cities 26: 187–194.

Jim, CY, & WY Chen.  2008.  Assessing the ecosystem service of air pollutant removal by urban trees in Guangzhou (China).  Journal of Environmental Management 88: 665–676.

Oct. 14 Conciliation biology & invasive species

Carroll, SP. 2011.  Conciliation biology: the eco-evolutionary management of permanently invaded biotic systems. Evolutionary Applications 4: 184-199.

Stromberg J.C, MK Chew, PL Nagler, & EP Glenn.  2009.  Changing perceptions of change: The role of scientists in Tamarix and river management.  Restoration Ecology 17: 177-186.  [on the AFS Courses server in our class folder]

Oct. 28 Ecosystem-based adaptations for agriculture

Vignola, R, CA Harvey, P Bautista-Solisa, J Avelinoa, B Rapidela, C Donattib, & R Martinez.  2015.  Ecosystem-based adaptation for smallholder farmers: Definitions, opportunities and constraints.  Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 211: 126–132.

Holt-Giménez, E.  2002.  Measuring farmers’ agroecological resistance after Hurricane Mitch in Nicaragua: a case study in participatory, sustainable land management impact monitoring.  Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 93: 87–105.

Nov 4 Crop improvement through hybridization

Huang, H, & Y Leu.  2014.  Natural hybridization, introgression breeding, and cultivar improvement in the genus Actinidia.  Tree Genetics & Genomes 10: 1113-1122.

Menda, N, SR Strickler, JD Edwards, A Bombarely, DM Dunham, GB Martin, L Mejia, SF Hutton, MJ Havey, DP Maxwell, & LA Mueller.  2014.  Analysis of wild-species introgressions in tomato inbreds uncovers ancestral origins. BMC Plant Biology 14: 287-287.

Nov 11

Genetic engineering of biofuel trees for lignin content

Tang , W, & AY Tang.  2014.  Transgenic woody plants for biofuel.  Journal of Forestry Research  25:  225-236.

Van Ackera, R, J-C Leplé, D Aerts, V Storme, G Goeminn, B Ivensa, F Légée, C Lapierre, K Piens, MCE Van Montagua, N Santoro, CE Foster, J Ralph, W Soetaert, G Pilate, & W Boerjana.  2013.  Improved saccharification and ethanol yield from field-grown transgenic poplar deficient in cinnamoyl-CoA reductase.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 111: 845–850.

Nov 18 Managing the rhizosphere for plant health

Berendsen, RL, CMJ  Pieterse, & PAHM Bakker.  2012.  The rhizosphere microbiome and plant health.  Trends in Plant Sciences 17: 478–486.

Winston ME, J Hampton-Marcell, I Zarraonaindia, SM Owens, CS Moreau, JA Gilbert, JA Hartsel,  SJ Kennedy, & SM Gibbons. 2014. Understanding cultivar-specificity and soil determinants of the Cannabis microbiome.  PLoS ONE 9(6): e99641.

Nov 25 Thanksgiving


Dec 2

Human impacts on trophic cascades

Estes, JA, J Terborgh, JS Brashares, ME Power, J Berger, WJ Bond, SR Carpenter, TE Essington, RD Holt, JBC Jackson, RJ Marquis, L Oksanen, T Oksanen, RT Paine, EK Pikitch, WJ Ripple, SA Sandin, M Scheffer, TW Schoener, JB Shurin, ARE Sinclair, ME Soulé, R Virtanen, & DA Wardle. 2011. Trophic downgrading of Planet Earth. Science 333: 301-306.

Ripple, WJ, RL Beschta, & LE Painter. 2015. Trophic cascades from wolves to alders in Yellowstone. Forest Ecology and Management 354: 254-260.

Dec 9

Research proposals, pizza, movie: Cane Toads

more on Cane Toads.  VHS of the documentary availabe through the Reed IMC.  there is also a followup documentary available through the IMC called Cane Toads: The Conquest (85' run time).