Family: Liliaceae
Common name: lily family [Zomlefer, pp. 270-273]
Diversity: Worldwide: 16 genera; 635 species
U.S.: 9 genera
PNW (Oregon Flora Project): 9 genera
The Liliaceae, sensu lato is now understood to be polyphyletic.
It once had as many as 3,500 species in 250 genera.
Liliaceae s.l. is now split among 10 (or more) families placed in two orders.
Flower -- Vegetative Features -- Economic Importance -- Flower Images-- Web Sites

K3 Co3 S6 P
Sexuality: bisexual
Symmetry: actinomorphic
Inflorescence: raceme, sometimes solitary, umbel, or cyme
Calyx (sepals): 3, separate, may resemble petals (=tepals)
Corolla (petals): 3, separate
Androecium: 6, in two whorls opposite the perianth parts
Gynoecium: 3 united carpels, single style, often splitting into three stigmatic lobes, superior ovary (=hypogynous), axile placentation, numerous ovules
Fruit: capsule or berry
Other features: tepals often have spots/lines, with nectar at tepal base

Vegetative Features
Leaves: alternate, simple, linear, fleshy in some
Life-history: perennial
Habit: herbs,with underground storage organs (bulbs and rhizomes)
Distribution & Ecology: cosmopolitan
Some Northwest Genera: Calochortus, Mariposa lily
Erythronium, avalanche/fawn lily
Fritillaria, checker lily
Lilium, lily
Prosartes, fairy lantern

Economic Importance
Ornamentals: many garden ornamentals
Lilium, lily
Tulipa, tulip
Weedy and pest species:

Examples Liliaceae Calochortus
Liliaceae Erythronium
Liliaceae Lilium
click on the genus name for a flower image

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