Professor Charlene Makley
Office: Vollum 312
Phone: 771-1112, ext. 7461
Office Hours: Tues 4-5:30; Fri 9-10:30
Email Charlene Makley
For more on these topics and debates, consult these sources:

David Graeber

Historicizing Globalization

  • Arrighi, Giovanni. 2007. Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century.
  • Foley, Duncan. 2006. Adam's Fallacy: a Guide to Economic Theology. Belknap. [This is a recent, accessible and even-handed overview of theories of political economy by a well-known economist at the New School of Social Research. Covers Smith, Ricardo, Marx, the neo-classical turn and more. Argues that "Adam's Fallacy" is the original fallacious assumption that an "economic" realm could be analyzed separately from all other social realms.]
  • Escobar. Arturo. 1995. Encountering Development: The Making and the Unmaking of the Third World. Princeton Univ. Press.
  • Gardner, Katy and David Lewis. 1996. Anthropology, Development and the Post-Modern Challenge. Pluto.
  • Frank, Andre Gunder. 1998. Reorient: Global Economy in the Asian Age. Univ. of California Press.
  • Hopkins, A.D. 2002. “The History of Globalization- And the Globalization of History?”, pp.12-72 In Globalization in World History.
  • Karl Marx. "So-Called Primitive Accumulation," (Chs. 26-28), Capital Vol. 1, pp. 873-904  (ereserve)
  • Maurer, Bill. 2006. The Anthropology of Money. Annual Review of Anthropology 35. [Avail. Online. Very useful recent overview and critique of most recent anthropological debates on economics, money, finance, exchange and more].
  • Mintz, Sidney. 1998. The Localization of Anthropological Practice. Critique of Anthropology 18(2): 117-133.
  • Nolan, Peter. 2004. "Epilogue: Adam Smith and the Contradictions of the Free Market Economy," Transforming China: Globalization, Transition and Development. London: Anthem Press. [arguing that Smith had a more complex view of the market than most think].
  • Peet, Richard and Elaine Hartwick. 1999. Sections on Keynesianism, Neoliberalism, Marxist and Post-Structuralist approaches. Theories of Development. New York: Guilford Press. (on reserve in lib.)
  • Power, Marcus. 2003. Rethinking Development Geographies. Routledge.
  • Sassen, Saskia. Chs 1-4. In Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006
  • Sahlins, Marshall. Islands of History
  • ----------------------. "Cosmologies of Capitalism,"
  • ----------------------. 1996. "The Sadness of Sweetness; or The Native Anthropology of Western Cosmology," Current Anthropology [a sustained ode to Sidney Mintz]
  • ----------------------. 2008a. The Western Illusion of Human Nature: With Reflections on the Long History of Hierarchy, Equality and the Sublimation of Anarchy in the West, and Comparative Notes on Other Conceptions of the Human Condition. Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press.
  • Trouillot, Michel-Rolph. 2003. "A Fragmented Globality," in Global Transformations: Anthropology and the Modern World. Palgrave.
  • Wolf, Eric. Europe and the People Without a History.
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