Anth 365 Final Project
Curated Section of Course Website

Due: Tuesday May 12, 5 pm (Moodle Upload)
Format: Word doc with list of hot links (use insert link in insert menu) to 5-10 websites/pages, and then 100-200 word annotation underneath the link.

The Project

Rather than a formal essay the final project will be a "curated" section of the course syllabus' "links" tab. Your section will be on a particular topic relevant to the issues, theories, or methodological approaches introduced during a week of the class of your choice. You can choose any week of the class starting with week 1 to relate your topic to. Look at the current "links" tabs for weeks you are interested in for examples of relevant topics (eg., key figures or scholars mentioned in the week's readings, key terms or technologies discussed in the week's readings, key historical or contemporary events relevant to the week's issues, major debates mentioned in or relevant to the week's readings, etc.).

Your name will be on it ('curated by...'), unless you choose to use a pseudonym. It will thus serve as your legacy for future students and for other users of this website (keep in mind that the course syllabus is open to the public; you are curating for a larger audience).

Curating websites: Think of it as similar to a museum exhibit. You want to provide resources for viewers/readers as a gateway to grasping a key topic relevant to that week. Your curation includes creatively and critically juxtaposing a range of views, debates, and voices (vs. just one perspective) on a similar or single topic/issue. Consider: which sites do you want to juxtapose next to each other in the list? In what order should they be presented?

Format and annotations: Your section will be a list of between 5-10 annotated links, each of which is accompanied by a 100-200 word annotation. Your annotations should provide a brief discussion of the source (who created it, where/when--you'll have to look for that info sometimes; it's often buried in the 'about' link, or at the very bottom of the home page), the relevance of the website to the week's topics, a critique if you want, why it's important to consider (keep in mind that it can be something you don't endorse/agree with).

Note: try to find links that are likely to be stable into future. But to provide diverse voices, a site you want to include may be more marginal, or may vanish/be censored. To include such sites/voices, consider downloading them and reposting them on our Reed Ensemble server (I can help you do that), so that it will endure over time.