Campus Announcements

Business Office Digital Disbursement Workflow is Live

The business office and computing & information services (CIS) developed a digital disbursement workflow that utilizes Etrieve Forms in ETCentral. This process allows the Reed community to submit disbursement requests and supporting documentation electronically to approvers and then to the business office. 

Users can access ETCentral using the same login as your email and securely submit disbursements to the appropriate approver. You no longer need to send disbursement forms to the via email or via FileRobot, as this electronic process is secure and replaces our paper, PDF, and Excel forms. 

This form is live. Beginning on June 1 we will no longer accept disbursements submitted via other methods. If you miss a training session, we are happy to meet individually or with your department.

Good to know:

  • Your login to ETCentral is the same as your email login.

  • We will no longer accept email or paper disbursements beginning June 1.

What you can do to implement the new process:

Thank you, 

The business office

For more information, contact Business Office or visit:
Submitted by Erica Nukaya.
Posted on Apr 20, 2021

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