Ladybird Girl

For the recording, click the title of the song. For a "chipmunks" version in the key of C, click here.


t1 and lead start. The bass comes in at the second cycle with pickup notes.

Dm transition

During the introduction, only t1, t2, bass, and lead play.

A' Section

Everyone in. The two sopranos play "in between" each other, like mbira parts. There are interesting variants with chords. We've recorded two parts for the bari. The part that comes from Carnival should be played during A' and the other parts should be played during A.

B Section (chorus)

  • t1 B part
  • t2 B part
  • t1 and t2 together
  • bari B part
  • bass B part

    A Section

    This will be a sparse version of A'.

    C Section


    (remember stuttering before going into outro)



    Dm transition

    A' PART

    A PART

    Dm transition

    B PART

    A' PART

    A PART

    Dm transition

    B PART

    C PART

    B PART

    B PART

    A' PART with overlay

    A' PART