Kukaiwa (traditional: arranged by Boka Marimba)
Introduction Lead gives 6 taps of the mallets, then everyone starts at once.
Regular section
  • At a high note signal, those with special parts respond 2x. This happens twice during the regular section.
  • lead spiders (and rolls?) to bridge into the rolling section.
Rolling section
  • Those with special rolling parts start now and continue throughout the rolling section.
  • At the high note signal---as in the regular section---those with special parts respond. This happens twice. This first time, as before, the response is 2x. The second time, the response line continues for a long time---until the signal from the lead.
  • Signal: The lead gives the descending melody signal 2x. The special chord parts then go back to normal for 2x, then the special rolling parts return to normal.
End To end the tune, the lead joins everyone with regular chords 2x, then everyone plays quietly 2x and loud 1x. All stop. Don't slow down for the quiet section.
