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1930. Photo showing the plaza and ballcourt , partly cleared but unreconstructed.
Photography by Leyrer as member of the Blom/Tulane expedition, 1930. Scanned from 35mm slide of the original photograph. Reproduced with permission of the Middle American Research Institute (MARI), Tulane University.
2003. Looking north along center of Ballcourt; this area artificially leveled by ancient Maya.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
2003. View from top of Great Platform; showing that the plaza, which would have been open and surfaced with plaster, is now planted with many trees.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Looking from Pyramid of the Magician, across plaza, from notheast to southwest.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Looking northwest across east side of plaza; also showing curved cornerstones of terrace.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Looking west along the plaza, between the Ballcourt at left and the low terrace at right.
Nov. 1999
Southeast area of plaza, with various foundations, laregly restored building, and starcase up to top of Great Platform.
Jan. 2002
Descending staircase in photo at left, from top of Great Plaform down to southeast area of plaza with many trees.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Southeast area of plaza, with same largely restored building at right.
Jan. 2001
Current entry to plaza from ancient road along east front of Great Platform, at left.
Jan. 2001
Looking north along southeast corner of plaza, with various platforms.
Jan. 2002
Looking northeast acorss east side of plaza, with various platforms.
Jan. 2002
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