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Nunnery West

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Frieze Details Left of Center

Frieze over doorway no.3; section at left intact, section over doorway and at right entirely restored.
Jan. 2001
Detail of frieze in photo at left.
Jan. 2001
Same figure as in photo at left; from underneath, showing round base of feathered headdress or crown, separate stone for head.
Jan. 2001
Same figure as above; showing treatment of hair and that lower portion of figure is sitting on a projection from recess.
Jan. 2001
Detail of sculpture medalion in photo in top row, far-left; showing a god emerging from a flower.
Jan. 2001
Same figure as in photo at left, showing 3-dimensional projection.
Jan. 2001
Frieze at left of central doorway no. 4.
Jan. 2001
Detail of frieze in photo at left; sculpural medallion with a god against spiderweb or warrior in boxer's stance, head in profile.
Jan. 2001
Angle view of same detail of frieze; showing the complex 3-dimensional form of this area, and that the medallion is shaped like a turtle's carapace.
Jan. 2001

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