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Nunnery North

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Frieze Details farthest Right (East)

Front frieze, right end, showing locations of kneeling drummer and quetzal.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
 1917. "Fig. 53. Uxmal. House of the Nuns. North building. Main facade (south front). Stone figure of a drummer (?) from the frieze piece near the east end of the facade."
Scanned from Eduard Seler, “Die Ruinen von Uxmal,” 1917 (fig. 53).
2003. Kneeling drummer.
Jan. 2003
 1917. "Fig. 55. Uxmal. House of the Nuns. North building. Main facade (south front). Stone figure of a human headed bird from the frieze piece near the east.
Scanned from Eduard Seler, “Die Ruinen von Uxmal,” 1917 (fig. 55).
2003. Quetza, with reticulated body.
Jan. 2003
Side view of same quetzal sculpture.
Jan. 2003

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