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Nunnery North

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Interior of Building at Right (East) of Grand Staircase (Building Y)

Structure at right of grand staircase, known as Building Y: front room, looking east to end wall.
Jan. 2001
Same wall as in photo at left, showing bench.
Jan. 2001
Same wall as in photos at left, showing surviving rubble fill and facing stones.
Jan. 2001
Same front room, looking opposite direction, showing largely missing vault and 2 square pillars in front facade.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Detail of square pillar in photo at left, reconstructed.
Jan. 2001
Same structure, roorway into back room with collapsed lintel and vault.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Back wall of inner room, showing circular depressions to hold ends of wooden rods.
Jan. 2002
Front wall of inner room, showing circular air vents or wooden rod holders.
Jan. 2002

Best preserved (lower half) portion of painted capstone in inner-back room of Building Y, at right of grand staircase. This capstone includes a glyph for Lord B or Chak, and a date probably comparable to A.D. 9 Aug. 907.
Jan. 2002


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