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Nunnery North

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Building at Right (East) of Grand Staircase (Building Y)

Structure at right of Grand Staircase known as Building Y, added after North Building.
Nov. 1999
Frontal view showing that the middle entrance is slightly wider than the other two; facade reconstructed from collapsed stones.
Nov. 1999
Two square piers with capitals and bases.
Jan. 2001
Showing alignment of cornice with Grand Staircase and alignment of Grand Staircase and Temple of Venus with West Building.
Jan. 2001
Square pillar farther left.
Jan. 2001
Detail of pillar in photo at left.
Jan. 2001
Doorjamb to inner back room, with sculpture fragment found in this room, on temporary display.
Jan. 2002
Lower portion of seated ballplayer sculpture in the round, with yoke around waist and knee protector.
Jan. 2002
Same seated ballplayer figure, showing protective sleeve on arm.
Jan. 2001

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